• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Burnham House

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

401 Cranbrook Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 4UL (020) 8518 0707

Provided and run by:
Consensus Support Services Limited

Report from 9 February 2024 assessment

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Updated 12 March 2024

People were protected from the risk of abuse and harm. Risk assessments were in place to ensure people received safe care. Systems were in place to ensure staff were recruited safely and were suitable to support vulnerable people. Staff were deployed safely. Systems were in place to minimise the risk of infections. Medicines were being managed safely. Safety checks had been carried out to ensure the environment was safe to live in. Lessons were being learnt following incidents and accidents to improve the service. Staff had completed key training to perform their role effectively, which included training on learning disabilities and autism. Staff were supported through regular supervision.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Learning culture

Score: 3

People were positive about the home and could raise issues if they wanted to. A person told us when asked who will they speak to if they were unhappy, "I can talk to the manager or any of the staff."

There was a system in place to learn lessons following incidents. Incidents had been recorded, investigated with action taken. Incidents were discussed with the staff team to ensure the risk of reoccurrence was minimised. A action plan was in place to learn from lessons particularly from the findings from our last inspection. We found improvements had been made in all areas we found shortfalls with during our last inspection.

The registered manager demonstrated the importance of learning from lessons to ensure there was a learning culture at the home. Staff told us they were listened too and were able to raise concerns to management. A staff member told us, "Yes, hundred percent we are listened too."

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Score: 3

Staff demonstrated how they ensured people were moved safely between services. A staff member told us, "We support people to attend health appointments and we record the outcomes and actions that has been agreed. We also have health action plans that we follow and would give to any emergency service if we needed to call them." The registered manager gave us examples of their process on admitting people into the home safely.

People had been living at the home for a long period and therefore had continuity of care. Records showed people had been referred to hospitals and GP’s when needed and were supported to attend these appointments. Hospital records were in place that included peoples support needs and background should they needed to go hospital, which ensured they can receive safe and effective support at hospitals. Meetings were being held with professionals when required to ensure people received safe care at all times.

Feedback we received from partners were positive. A social professional told us, "The accommodation cooperates for all reviews and enquiries."

People were settled and comfortable at the home and were supported safely when moving between services. A person told us when asked if they were supported safely when moving between services, "Yes, they do. They help me to make appointments if I need to."


Score: 3

Through our observation we saw that people knew staff well and that they had positive relationships between each other. We observed people were comfortable at the home and felt at ease with staff.

People were protected from abuse and felt safe. A person told us when asked if they received safe care, "Yes I do. Staff are kind." A relative commented, "Yes, I feel [person] is very safe there. [Person] has lived there a long time and nothing untoward has happened to [person]."

Staff had been trained in safeguarding and were aware on how to safeguard people from harm and who to report concerns too. A staff member told us, "It’s my responsibility to report all safeguarding concerns to my line manager or to the police. I can also report to the local authority safeguarding and CQC." The registered manager commented, "We normally have a discussion in team meetings to cover abuse. It is also discussed in supervisions. All staff are trained face to face every year and on line as well."

There were processes in place to safeguard people from abuse and harm. A safeguarding policy was in place that detailed the types of abuse and how to escalate concerns if staff suspected or saw abuse to ensure people were protected. A whistleblowing policy was in place and this gave guidance to staff on how they could raise concerns about any unsafe practice. Staff had been trained in safeguarding adults and understood how to protect people from harm and who to report to when required.

Involving people to manage risks

Score: 3

The registered manager and staff were aware of the importance of having risk assessments in place to ensure risks were minimised and people received safe care and support at all times. A staff member told us, "First of all, the manager will complete needs assessment if somebody is moving into the service, which will have the details of the persons known risks that has been identified. By working with people closely, you get to know the person well and learn about new risks and it is my responsibility to report this and to complete risk assessments."

During our last inspection we found the service was in breach of regulation 12 (Safe Care and Treatment) of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. We found peoples risks were not properly assessed to ensure they were supported in a safe manner. During this inspection, we found improvements had been made. Sufficient risk assessments were in place to ensure people received safe care. There were risk assessments to ensure people were safe when being supported, such as positive behavior support plans, which included triggers and measures to support people when they were anxious. Risk assessments had also been completed for people with specific health conditions to ensure staff knew how to support people if they were unwell. Additional risk assessments included moving and handling, use of swings in the garden and nutrition.

We observed that staff had good knowledge about people and supported people safely such as ensuring people were able to mobilise and eat their food safely.

People and relative told us that staff looked after people well, which included minimising risks to ensure people were safe. A person told us, "Yes, they [staff] are nice]

Safe environments

Score: 3

We observed the home was safe to live in. The home was clean and tidy, which ensured people were able to move around the home safely.

The registered manager and staff told us the home has improved since our last inspection and it is safe to live in. A staff member told us, "We complete regular fire drills at different times. Also we carry out audits to ensure the service is safe for people that live at their home."

During our last inspection, we made a recommendation for the provider to consider current best practices guidance to ensure the premises were adapted with peoples needs in mind. During this inspection, we found improvements had been made. The premises and environment met the needs of people who used the service and were accessible. People were involved on the decisions about the home, which included decorating the home according to their preferences. Premises and fire safety checks had been carried out to ensure the premises was safe to live in. Checks on equipment were made to ensure it was safe to use such as on wheelchairs. There was a spacious communal area. There was a garden if people wanted to go outside. People’s rooms were decorated according to their preferences. The premises was surrounded by both commercial and housing properties, close to good transport links and many other local amenities. Premises safety checks were carried out to ensure the premises was safe to live in such as regular fire and gas safety checks.

People liked living at the home. A person told us, "It's a nice home."

Safe and effective staffing

Score: 3

People and relatives had no concerns about staff that supported people and with staffing. A relative told us, “They always have enough staff to support [person].”

There were appropriate numbers of staff on duty to support people safely. We saw staff were available when people wanted them and they responded to people’s requests quickly. Staff rotas confirmed there were enough staff to support people safely. Records showed relevant pre-employment checks, such as criminal record checks, references and proof of the person’s identity had been carried out. Staff had completed mandatory training such as on learning disabilities or autism awareness to help perform their roles effectively. Staff had completed training in other mandatory areas such as moving and handling, first aid and safeguarding. Regular supervisions and appraisals had been carried out to ensure staff were supported.

Staff were trained to support people safely and felt supported in their role. A staff member told us, "Yes we carry out yearly training to refresh ourselves. We can also request any development training that we feel would be useful. We have regular supervisions, we can meet with our manager any time and we also have an on-call that we can call if we have any concerns." Staff told us there were enough staff to support people safely. A staff member told us, "Yes, I do feel there is enough staff to support people’s needs."

We observed that there were appropriate number of staffing to meet people’s needs and staff supported people safely and knew them well.

Infection prevention and control

Score: 3

We observed the home to be clean and tidy. We found furniture’s were in good condition and items such as hand soaps, towels and toilet rolls were readily available. A cleaning rota was in place that evidenced regular cleaning was being carried out.

People and relatives told us the home was clean and tidy.

The registered manager and staff told us the home was always clean and tidy and they had access to infection control products such as handwash to ensure risk of infection was minimised. A staff member told us, "Yes, there is an sanitiser around for staff and people to use including visitors. We also carry out checks throughout the day to ensure they are filled up and there is plenty to be used."

During our last inspection we found the service was in breach of regulation 12 (Safe Care and Treatment) of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. We found necessary measures had not been taken to ensure the service was clean and prevent the spread of infection. During this inspection, we found improvements had been made. An infection control policy was in place and staff had been trained on infection control. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was readily available and staff confirmed they had access to PPE when needed. Infection audits were being carried out to ensure the risks of infection was minimised. A cleaning rota was in place that evidenced regular cleaning of the home was taking place.

Medicines optimisation

Score: 3

Medicine Administration Records (MARs) showed that medicines had been administered as prescribed. Medicine audits were carried out to ensure people received their medicines safely. Staff had also been trained in medicines management and had competency assessments to ensure they were competent to manage medicines. We observed the medicines were securely stored.

People and relatives we spoke to did not raise concerns with medicine management. We observed medicines were administered safely to people.

Staff told us they were confident of managing medicines. A staff member told us, "Yes, I do administer medication, which I have been trained to do so. Also I have received yearly assessments to ensure that I’m capable of administrating medications to people." The registered manager was able to demonstrate the process in ensuring medicines were managed safely such as training being delivered to staff, competency assessments being carried out and regular checks made on medicine administration and records.