9 April 2019
During a routine inspection
People’s experience of using this service:
There was a strong person-centred culture. Staff knew the needs and preferences of people living in the home extremely well. Staff had developed very positive relationships with people and were seen to display kindness as well as compassionate support to people.
People received personalised care and support which was in line with their care plan. People's privacy and dignity was respected and independence promoted. Staff were committed to improving the quality of life and opportunities available for people. The service had developed community links to reflect the needs of people. It worked with colleges and charities as well as health and social care professionals to deliver improved outcomes and experiences for people.
People were supported to ensure that the home was clean and the environment was well maintained.
Staff showed a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities for keeping people safe from harm.
Medicines were managed safely and people received their prescribed medicines at the right time. Health needs were understood and met.
There were sufficient numbers safely recruited and suitably qualified and skilled staff in place to meet people's individual needs.
Staff received a range of training and support appropriate to their role and people's needs.
The registered provider complied with the principles of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005. Staff understood and respected people's right to make their own decisions where possible and encouraged people to make decisions about the care they received. Consent had been sought before any care had been delivered in line with legal requirements.
People knew how to make a complaint and they were confident about complaining should they need to.
The registered manager was described as supportive and approachable. They demonstrated a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities as a registered person. They worked in partnership with other agencies to ensure people received care and support that was consistent with their assessed needs.
Rating at last inspection: Good (Date published 29 October 2016)
Why we inspected: This was a planned inspection based upon the ratings at the last inspection.
Follow up: We will continue to monitor this service and plan to inspect in line with our re-inspection schedule.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk