We spoke with nine people who were living at Grove House. All were contented and thought they were receiving good care. Some of their comments included 'I'm quite happy. Everybody (staff) is very kind.' Another person said 'They (care staff) let me do what I can for myself. They help me when I can't manage. They're very good.' A third told us 'I would tell someone if a carer was unkind to me. But I've never had to.' We observed there was a friendly and relaxed atmosphere at the home. People were moving around as they chose and there were a number of sitting areas so people had a choice as to where they spent their time. We saw staff were available to help when needed and people looked well cared for.
People were consulted and included in decisions made about their care, and their independence was promoted.
People received good care in line with what they wanted and needed.
Whilst the home was clean and fresh some cleaning and hygiene processes could be improved as this would help to reduce the risk of an infection outbreak spreading around the home.
Robust and effective recruitment processes were in place to ensure that only suitably vetted people were allowed to work at the service.
Whilst people's care records were detailed and accurate there could be a greater consistency in where new information was recorded as this would make it easier to identify when changes had been made.