Westbrook House Integrated Care Centre provides nursing and personal care for up to 60 people some of whom may be living with dementia. The service is provided in four units: Victoria Red and Victoria Green are situated on the first floor and provide short term assessment and rehabilitation services to older people, Ogden on the ground floor provides nursing care and treatment to people with complex mental health and dementia needs, and Appleton on the ground floor which provides short term and respite care to people living with dementia. Staff were employed by either Kent County Council, Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust or Kent and Medway Partnership Trust. On the days of the inspection there were 43 people living at the service. The service is run by a registered manager who was present during our inspection. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run. The registered manager is supported by a deputy manager and unit managers.
People said they felt safe living at the service. Staff understood how to protect people from the risk of abuse and the action they needed to take to keep people safe. Staff were confident to whistle blow to the registered manager or organisations outside the service if they had any concerns and were confident that the appropriate action would be taken.
Risks to people’s safety were identified, assessed and managed. Assessments identified people’s specific needs, and showed how risks could be minimised.
Recruitment processes were in place to check that staff were of good character and safe to work with people. Information had been requested about staff’s employment history, including gaps in employment. There was a comprehensive training programme in place to make sure staff had the skills and knowledge to carry out their roles effectively. Refresher training was provided regularly. People were consistently supported by sufficient numbers of staff who knew them well. Contingency plans were in place to cover any emergency shortfalls of staff.
People received their medicines safely and people received their medicines when they needed them. People’s medicines were reviewed regularly by their doctor to make sure they were still suitable.
The registered manager and staff understood how the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 was applied to ensure decisions made for people without capacity were only made in their best interests. CQC monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) which applies to care homes. These safeguards protect the rights of people using services by ensuring that if there are any restrictions to their freedom and liberty, these have been agreed by the local authority as being required to protect the person from harm. The registered manager and unit managers had submitted applications in line with guidance.
People felt informed about, and involved in, their healthcare and were empowered to have as much choice and control as possible. People were able to make choices about how they lived their lives, including what time to get up, what time to go to bed and any preference of staff gender.
Staff had received training on the MCA and understood the key requirements of the MCA and how it impacted on the people they supported. They put these into practice effectively, and ensured that people’s human and legal rights were protected. Staff undertook lead roles on each unit as ‘MCA champion’.
Regular environmental and health and safety checks were completed to ensure that the environment was safe and that equipment was in good working order. Emergency plans were in place so if an emergency happened, like a fire, the staff knew what to do.
People were provided with a choice of healthy food that they told us they liked. When people were not eating enough they were seen by a dietician or their doctor. Staff followed the guidance given when fortified drinks and diets were required.
People were supported to maintain good health and had access to health care professionals when needed. Staff had strong working relationships with health professionals, such as, the GPs and community nursing team.
People were happy with the care and support they received. People received their care in the way that they preferred. Care plans contained information and guidance so staff knew how to provide people’s care and support. Staff were knowledgeable about people’s likes, dislikes and preferences. Care plans included detailed life stories so staff could speak with them about familiar events.
People and their relatives were involved with the planning of their care. Care and support was planned and given in line with people’s individual care needs. People spoke positively about staff and told us they were kind and caring. Privacy was respected and people were able to make choices about their day to day lives. Staff were respectful and caring when they were supporting people.
People, their relatives, staff and health professionals were encouraged to provide feedback to the registered manager about the quality of the service. People said their views were taken seriously and any issues they raised were dealt with quickly. People told us they did not have any complaints about the service or the support they received from the staff.
Staff chatted to people throughout the day, regularly suggesting ideas to keep people active and supporting them with various activities.
People, staff and health professionals told us the service was well-led. Staff said they felt supported, that the registered manager and unit managers were approachable and that they worked closely as a cohesive team.
The registered manager and unit managers coached and mentored staff through regular one to one supervision. Staff were clear about what was expected of them and their roles and responsibilities and told us they felt supported by the management team.
Services that provide health and social care to people are required to inform CQC of important events that happen in the service. CQC check that appropriate action had been taken. The registered manager and unit managers had submitted notifications to CQC in an appropriate and timely manner in line with CQC guidelines.