11 April 2018
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We carried out a focused inspection on 11 April 2018, under section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008. The purpose of this inspection was to follow up on the Requirement Notice in relation to Regulation 18, Staffing, that we issued after a joint inspection with Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) between 26 and 30 June 2017.
We do not currently rate services provided in prisons.
This report covers our findings in relation to those aspects detailed in the Requirement Notice issued and the joint HMIP/CQC report recommendations that related to healthcare delivery.
Our Key findings were as follows:
- The provider had developed their recruitment pathway effectively to ensure that a range of suitably qualified staff were in post and several new staff had been employed.
- Staff had access to a range of appropriate training. The provider had developed a relationship with the local NHS trust to facilitate shadowing opportunities for staff. The provider supported additional learning and qualifications to enable nurses to properly support patients with long-term conditions.
- Patients entering into the establishment were suitably assessed, referred and treated for long-term conditions.
- All patients with long-term conditions had care plans to ensure that their needs were met.
- Access to healthcare services was good. There was a suitable triage process and a range of nurse-led clinics available for patients
- The provider had developed a health promotion strategy which included a wide range of health and wellbeing services. This was yet to be implemented.
There remained areas of practice where the provider should continue to make improvements:
- To the development of new staff in post to ensure they have the necessary skills to manage long-term conditions effectively.
To fully implement the health promotion strategy and engage the prison and other care providers in this process.