Generally people spoke positively about how staff included them in the care and confirmed that staff asked for their consent to care and treatment as required. For example staff always conferred regarding personal care they generally agreed when personal care should be carried out.Two people said that they sometimes get up late which was not their choice but said there are sometimes not enough staff to assist them [see outcome 13].
Those people spoken with were very relaxed around staff and said they were listened to so that any concerns could be addressed. People, when asked, said that they felt 'safe' and they were confident that any concerns would be listened to and addressed.
We spoke with the safeguarding team at Liverpool City Council and they told us that generally things had improved at Woolton Grange and that there is now more awareness amongst the managers and staff so that events are reported and there is appropriate management of peoples care needs.
We did not ask people specifically about the standards of hygiene on this visit but we were told spontaneously by some people that the home is maintained in a clean state and that they were pleased generally with the cleaning regime.
We spoke with seven people who live in the home about their medicines. One person said they were happy to let care workers manage their medicines and they left them to it. Another said they always got them at the same time of day usually at meal times and between 9pm and 10pm for their evening medicines.
None of the people we spoke with raised any concerns about the way there medicines were handled. When we reviewed the medicine records we found a number of concerns however and these are addressed in the report.
People we spoke with told us that staff were very caring and were always willing to assist them with personal care. We spoke with two people who told us that staff were not always available to ensure they are assisted to get up at appropriate times in the morning. Sometimes they can miss breakfast as they get up very late.
People living at Woolton Grange told us that generally the home is run well.