22 November 2013
During a routine inspection
People confirmed that they or their relative were consulted about their care package and that they had been asked for their consent. This was recorded in the care records seen. We also saw that people had their care package reviewed every three months and this occurred more frequently if their needs changed. The provider had contingency arrangements in place to deal with out of hours concerns or other events that may affect the service.
Staff told us they felt well supported and we saw that they received regular training and supervision. Training records showed that staff received training appropriate to their role. Most staff had attained a professional qualification in care or were working towards it.
People's views and opinions about the service were sought and the latest questionnaires were being returned at the time of the inspection. The provider told us an action plan would be produced based on the results. Not all of the people we spoke with knew how to make a complaint, although most said they felt able to speak with the providers.
All records seen were stored securely in locked cabinets in a key coded office. The arrangements for archiving and destruction of records were in place. Those records seen were clearly written and were up to date.