We visited the home unannounced on 26 June 2012. We spoke with five people, three staff and we observed life in the home to understand people's experience of the service.We observed people making choices in their daily life throughout our visit. For example people made decisions about where they went for the day, what they ate for lunch and what activities they did. We also spoke with people about how they made decisions about their care. They told us they could decide if they wanted to attend a meeting or not.
People's individual communication needs were identified in their care plans and we observed staff using the person's preferred communication. For example one person understood signs and staff used a mixture of signs, gestures and simple sentences.
We asked one person if they felt safe. They said they did because; 'There are clear rules and boundaries in place for me which is what I need'. We spoke with another person who said they would talk with the registered manager if they were unhappy.
We walked around the home. The carpets in all communal areas of the home were heavily stained. The paintwork on the outside of the building was weathered and flaking off. We spoke with the registered manager who told us that the carpets were about to be replaced and the painter was waiting for good weather to start work on the outside of the building.
People told us that staff were very supportive. One person said that staff were not judgemental, they listened and understood their worries.