18 January 2011
During an inspection in response to concerns
Some people who use the service told us that they are supported to have choices and make decisions and that they have some control over their daily lives in when to get up, go to bed, wear and what to do. Carers confirmed that their relatives were enabled to follow their religious needs whilst staying at the home and how independence is promoted.
Staff, carers and people who use the service all confirmed the many good practices that occur at the service which promote peoples rights to privacy and dignity. Positive feedback was received on the array of meaningful activities and mental stimulation now being provided at the service. This included opportunities to access the local community as well as a varied programme of in house activities.
Positive feedback was received from carers regarding the high standard of health care provision being provided this can be summarised when a carer feedback the 'best thing about the home is the health care, they pick up any problems really quickly'.
Consistent feedback was received from people who use the service and carers that staff were polite, caring and very friendly. A person who uses the service also told us that 'staff are very good If I want help they will always help me quickly'. Several carers noted that consistency in staffing had a positive impact on their relatives care. This can be summarised by a carer who commented 'That having the same staff all the time makes a big difference as the staff have a chance to get to know my husband and what he is trying to say and he responds to them as they are familiar to him'.
Staff commented on the good standard of training they are provided with. A carer felt that staff have all the skills needed to be able to support their relatives specialist needs.
Carers told us that they are frequently asked for their views on the services and facilities provided and that feedback is acted upon. A person who uses the service said that they felt able to tell the staff of ways to improve their life at the home.