- Homecare service
Radfield Home Care Chippenham & North Wiltshire
Report from 18 October 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of assessment: 24 September 2024 to 11 October 2024. Radfield Home Care Chippenham & North Wiltshire is a domiciliary care agency providing the regulated activity of personal care to people living in their own homes. This service is part of a national franchise. There is a central head office with a team of staff who support all branches in the network. At the time of the assessment the service was supporting 29 people. This was the first assessment for this service since it registered on the 29 June 2022. New services are assessed to check if they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led when they register with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). For this assessment we reviewed 33 quality statements across the 5 key questions. Overall medicines were managed safely. However, where there were gaps in medicines records and management had not always contacted staff to check medicines had been administered. Incidents and accidents had been recorded. However, it was not always recorded what actions had been taken to prevent recurrence. This shortfall had been identified by the provider prior to this assessment and we found improvement had been made for some incident forms. Some risk management plans did not have all the information recorded relating to some health conditions. The provider took action during the assessment to update people’s records with the necessary information. Staff had been recruited safely and provided with an induction. Staff had the training they needed and told us they felt well supported by management. Staff had personal protective equipment and had training on infection prevention and control. Governance systems identified improvements and areas for development. Regular checks for quality and safety were completed which included unannounced spot checks on staff. All actions identified for improving the service were recorded on the service improvement plan. This was monitored by management and staff from central office.
People's experience of this service
People and relatives told us they had no concerns about the service they received. People told us they felt the service was safe and that staff were well trained. People said staff stayed for the correct length of time and had never missed any visits. No concerns were raised about how staff managed people’s medicines. People and relatives told us staff were kind and caring. We were told staff listened to people’s views and communicated with people in ways that they preferred. People had access to their care plan and had been involved with assessments. People knew who the management team were and felt able to raise any concerns. People were also asked for their feedback about the service to help the provider identify any improvements.