This inspection took place on 8 and 17 June 2016 and was unannounced. The home provides accommodation and personal care for up to 9 people with a learning disability. There were 9 people living at the home when we visited some of whom also had additional needs relating to a physical disability and living with dementia. Ivydene is based on two floors, connected by a passenger lift. In addition to a basement where the laundry is located there was a lounge and dining room where people were able to socialise; kitchen, bathrooms and everyone had their own bedroom either on the ground or first floor.A registered manager was not in place at the time of the inspection, although one of the managers had applied to be registered with CQC and their application was being processed. We were informed shortly after the inspection that the manager was no longer working at the home. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated regulations about how the service is run. There was a lack of consistency in the management of the home and although staff felt the managers were supportive they did not feel the home was well- led.
We found fundamental standards were not being met and people’s safety was compromised in some areas.
People told us they did not feel safe and were scared of two other people who lived at Ivydene. They were not protected from the risk of physical or emotional harm due to the actions of other people. Individual risks were assessed and managed although these did not include examples of positive risk taking such as domestic tasks or the risks of physical abuse from other people.
There were inadequate numbers of permanent staff and the home was reliant on agency staff who had often not previously worked at the home. People were not always cared for with kindness and compassion.
People’s privacy was protected and they were involved in some decisions about their day to day care and meals but were not involved in other decisions about the service. Staff sought verbal consent from people on a day to day basis however, they did follow legislation designed to protect people’s freedom.
People were supported to access healthcare services when needed however it was not always clear from records what people’s longer term healthcare needs were or why they had been prescribed some medicines.
Some areas of the home were not suitable or accessible to people.
People were cared for by staff who had completed most essential training and were supported in their work although staff felt they did not have the necessary skills to support people who could become violent.
There were suitable systems in place to ensure the safe storage and administration of medicines. Healthcare professionals such as GPs, chiropodists, opticians and dentists were involved in people's care where necessary.
Weekly meetings with people were held to seek their views about some aspects of the service. People and relatives knew how to make complaints although one complaint had not been properly responded to.
Quality assurance arrangements had identified many but not all of the above concerns and the provider’s management team including the general manager and the area manager were visiting the home on a regular basis. We were not told about significant incidents which had occurred in the home as required.
In other ways, the home had an open culture. People and staff said the managers were approachable and they had contacted external professionals for support and guidance. Visitors were always welcomed.
People said they enjoyed their meals and received a choice of home cooked meals based on their needs and preferences. People were supported to engage in a planned and ad hoc individual activities of their choosing.
We identified six breaches of the HSCA regulations and one breach of the registration regulations of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014
You can see what action we have taken in the full version of this report.