2 August 2011
During an inspection looking at part of the service
During the day we observed staff providing care to the people living in the home. In general, the staff were respectful and kind to people. However, we did see staff walking into people's bedrooms without knocking on one occasion. The extent to which people were offered choices was variable. We saw some staff explaining to people what they were doing and asking for their opinions and we saw others who did not do this so well.
We spoke with people living in the home about how they spend their time. One person told us, 'There is never anything to do' and another said, 'There is nothing to do, I am bored'. People said that they enjoyed their meals although one person did tell us that, 'The food is alright but not like mother makes'. One person told us that they were always offered a vegetarian option as they did not eat meat. Another person said that they had an alternative when it was fish on the menu.
One of the people who spoke with us told us that they really liked their bedroom as they had been able to put up lots of photographs. Another person told us that they really liked the fact that they, and their spouse, were able to have a bedroom and a lounge to share and that they had been able to bring in some of their own furniture.