• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Fern Lodge Care Home

5 Eversley Park, Chester, Cheshire, CH2 2AJ (01244) 372288

Provided and run by:
Fairhome Care Group (Fern Lodge) Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made

The service is now compliant with this outcome area. We were able to see action that the provider had taken in respect of relevant incidents being reported to us. We were able to look at our own records and saw evidence that we were now receiving all notifications from the provider.

20 September 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke to three people who used the service. Comments we received included:

"I am keeping well-when you are not well they always get a doctor"

"I have only got to tell them what I need and they do it for me"

"I feel safe here-I have no worries"

"The staff are excellent, they are really nice"

"I always get my tablets on time and they never miss them"

"We have meetings all together at times and they always listen to us"

"I always get my medication-I am never kept waiting"

"Staff are reasonable and I am happy here"

"I am settled here and happy"

We found on this visit that individuals who lived at Fern Lodge had their needs met and were consulted about all aspects of their care. We found that arrangements were in place to ensure that people using the service were protected from harm. The health and wellbeing of people was protected by the safe management of medication and some people had the opportunity to be independent in dealing with their own medication.

The service demonstrated that the quality of support provided was assessed on a regular basis. People were asked about the quality of the support they were provided with and had opportunities to comment on this formally or informally as they wished.

We found that the service did not always notify us of incidents which adversely affected the wellbeing of people. This has been raised as a compliance action in this report but this had a minor impact on people using the service.


20 November 2012

During a routine inspection

We found that people were able to express their views and were involved in making decisions about their care and treatment. Two service users confirmed they had been involved in the implementation of their support plans.

We found that people were supported with their independence and community involvement. One person told us she was supported by the service to find employment with a local business and also felt was able to go shopping on her own. She

told us "If I ever feel I don't want to go out on my own there is always a member of staff to come with me".

We looked at four care records and all had assessments of their health and social needs completed. There were individual support plans and risk assessments in place. There was evidence within them to show they were evaluated on a regular basis. This meant that the service could demonstrate they could meet people's needs and maintain their health and wellbeing.

We observed that the people who used the service were happy and relaxed when they were being supported by staff. We spoke with four People who used the service. They told us they felt safe living at Fern Lodge and were confident if they had any concerns the manager or staff would address them. Comments included "I feel safe here " and "I know I'm getting looked after".

We contacted Chester and Cheshire West Local Authority who confirmed there were no issues of concern with regards to Fern Lodge.

13 February 2011

During a routine inspection

During our visit to the home we spoke with people to gain their perceptions of the home and services provided. They told us they are looked after well, are treated properly and with respect and are able to do the things they want to do

People spoken with told us they liked living at Fern Lodge as they were able to feel very much at home. They said they had been given lots of information about the home and the services provided prior to moving in.

One person said they had been able to stay at the home for a trial period to make sure it was the right place to live. People also told us that they were very happy with the staff and services provided. Comments included: 'Nice place, good staff who make you feel welcome'. 'The staff are sound, they are very good to us', 'We can come and go as we please as long as staff know we are safe', 'We can talk to staff as if they were our friends, they look out for us', 'We pop into the office all the time for a chat'.

All the people we spoke with who live at the home said they feel safe living there.

Comments included; nothing worried them and that they felt that they could complain to care staff if they had any problems. They said the staff approach is good and they feel confident with the care and support offered. Comments included;" Staff understand my needs and treat me well', 'Staff look after me and understand me".