28 January 2014
During a routine inspection
People's needs were assessed and care plans were clear and individualised, reflecting the needs of people who use services. Staff plan activities and people were taken out regularly and some people were able to go out independently.
One person told us 'I like it here, the staff are kind to me.' One relative told us 'If there are problems they always contact me. I am very happy with the care'.
Staff provide a healthy balance and choice of food and use the opportunity to involve people with the planning, preparation and clearing away, thereby involving them in every day activities. Dietary needs were met and staff were properly trained in food hygiene. Specialist dietary advice was followed in the management of a person's medical needs.
Clear systems were in place for the management of medicines and staff were trained to ensure medicines were handled safely, securely and appropriately.
Staff were trained to care for people who used the service and staff demonstrated a good understanding of the needs of those people. Planning of staff rostas and strategies for coping with shortfalls in staffing was in place.
The home had assurances in place to assess and monitor the quality of services.