On the day of our inspection we were told that Just Call 4 Care Services was providing support to 48 people in their own homes. During our visit, we looked at 12 care records and spoke with the manager. We later spoke with five care staff and ten people that used the service or their relative.People were involved in their care and were encouraged to do things for themselves as far as possible.
Most people had care plans and these were personalised. However, where people did not have care plans staff did not always have the information they needed to meet people's identified needs.
Some arrangements were in place to ensure that people were safeguarded against harm.
Staff were supported. supervised and trained in their roles. One staff member told us, "If the people I support are happy then I am happy".
We saw some records were not being completed as required to ensure people received the support they needed in a safe way.
We saw some systems in place to audit and monitor the quality of services being provided but no action plan to implement changes needed to make improvements.