K.T.M Care Limited provided a domiciliary care service for 22 disabled children, young people and disabled adults who were on the autism spectrum. It also provided respite care for their families.As part of this scheduled inspection, we looked at the arrangements in place for consenting to care and support, looked at the care plans for five people, the recruitment and training of staff, the quality of the service and complaints.
We spoke to the registered manager, the office manager and four care staff. We spoke on the telephone with three family members who used the service.
We considered our inspection findings to answer questions we always ask; Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service well-led?
This is a summary of what we found;
Is the service safe?
Staff had the relevant experience, skills and training in order to care and support children and young people safely.
Care and risk assessments were in place to ensure that children, young people and adults had the opportunity to engage in activities of their choice and continue to live full lives protected from harm.
Is the service effective?
Young people and their families were involved in their care arrangements. The service tailored the support to each individual. The service was effective as it was person centred and they had control over the way it was managed and delivered.
Systems for the training and supervision of staff were in place. This ensured that the service was more effective as staff had the necessary skills and support to carry out their role.
Is the service caring?
All of the support and administrative staff we spoke with had a caring attitude. They were knowledgeable and understanding about autism and its effect on the lives of individuals and their families.
K.T.M Care Limited offered a personalised and individual service and spoke about the people who used the service in a kind, caring and professional way. Family members said, 'The best service we have ever had.' And, 'They so understand our family situation.'
Is the service responsive?
The service was responsive to the needs of people who used the service. The staff worked flexibly to enable the children, young people and adults to maintain their independence and to give family carers a break from caring.
A range of health and social care professionals from the community were involved in people's care. This showed that people received their care in a joined up way.
Is the service well-led?
Systems were in place for the effective monitoring of the service. This included care planning and risk assessments, staff support and dealing with, and learning from incidents and events. This ensured that individuals and families were getting a quality service from staff who were skilled at managing it.
One family member told us, 'I am very happy with the care and support my child gets from K.T.M, they are so knowledgeable about autism, more than any other agency we have used.'