This was an unannounced inspection on 7th May 2015. At our last visit in April 2014 the home was in breach of the regulation related to staffing numbers. We had received information from the provider after the inspection in 2014 that showed us that staffing levels had increased. We judged at this inspection that the home was suitably staffed and the regulation had now been met.
Hames Hall is a period property set in its own grounds outside Cockermouth but within easy reach of the town’s amenities. The house has been adapted and extended to accommodate up to 25 older adults. Accommodation is mainly in single rooms, some of which have ensuite facilities and there are suitable shared areas. The provider owns two other care homes in Cumbria.
The home had a registered manager who was registered in October 2014. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
There were suitable arrangements in place to ensure that vulnerable people were protected from harm and abuse. Staff understood their responsibilities in safeguarding people.
The home was clean, orderly and safe. Good infection control measures were in place.
Medicines were ordered, administered and disposed of correctly. Staff received suitable training and checks on their competence in dealing with medicines.
Good recruitment systems were in place, All of the staff had received induction training as the new manager felt that the staff team needed to go back to basics. The team had then all received training in the skills and knowledge related to their role.
Staff received supervision and appraisal. Good practice issues were discussed in these sessions.
Staff understood their responsibilities under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. No one in the home was being deprived of their liberty.
People received good health care support.We had evidence to show that treatment and health prevention services were accessed by staff so people could stay as well as possible.
People in the home were happy with the food provided. We saw good quality and varied meals being served. Nutritional planning was in place to make sure people ate as well as possible.
We observed caring and sensitive interactions when staff dealt with people in the home. Privacy and dignity were maintained when staff supported people. We had evidence to show that the staff team were encouraged to help people to be as independent as possible.
We heard and saw staff working with people in a kind and patient way. They treated people in an equitable way and were able to explain things to people appropriately.
We had evidence from the staff and visiting professionals to show that the team aided and supported people appropriately in the last days of their lives.
We looked at assessment and care planning. We judged that these had improved since our last inspection. We saw that detailed and up to date plans were in place. Most people had been assisted to complete life stories. Staff were working on ways to continually improve the planning for care delivery to include more details on things like spiritual and psychological needs.
People told us they were happy with the regular activities on offer. People were supported to follow their own hobbies as well as joining in with organised activities. Trips out were arranged for small groups of people. Individuals could also ask to be taken out to meet friends and family.
There had been no formal complaints received by the service, the local authority or by ourselves. No one on the day of the inspection had any complaints. Suitable complaints policies and procedures were in place. People in the home and their visitors told us they understood how to complain.
We heard from staff, and we saw evidence to show, that new operational systems were in place so that all aspects of the home would run smoothly. We had evidence to show that this was because the registered manager was suitably experienced and skilled to develop the home.
We also saw that there was a new quality assurance system in place and that this was being used to develop an improvement plan for the home. Changes had been made in things like care planning and in deployment of staff. We also noted that there had been a change in the culture of the home. Staff were being encouraged to work in a more person centred way.