Updated 4 October 2024
Date of assessment 9 and 14 October 2024. Meadowview Care home is a ‘care home’ which provides accommodation and personal care as a single package under one contractual agreement. The home supports older people and people living with dementia and supports up to 40 people. Risks were not always robustly managed and information in records was often inconsistent. There were times when staff were less available to meet people’s needs and some shortfalls in staff training and access to regular supervision and appraisal. Medicines were not always safely managed although people received the medicines they were prescribed. Some areas of the home needed updating and consideration needed to be given to storage arrangements to ensure means of escape were consistently kept clear from cleaning equipment. The provider was responsive in addressing areas of concern raised. People’s needs were assessed and care plans implemented, although these had not all be reviewed recently. People were happy with the support they received, and staff worked together with other services to support people. People’s consent was requested before care was provided and where people lacked capacity the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act were followed. People were supported by kind and caring staff who knew them well. People felt they had choice and their independence was promoted. People received personalised care although care records needed improving. People’s views and feedback were sought and people felt able to raise concerns. People’s experience varied in how they were supported with activities and interests. The service was not always proactive in supporting people to plan for the future. Systems for checks of the quality of the service were not being used effectively to identify areas of shortfall and ways to continually improve. Staff told us the registered manager was approachable, and people and families told us they would recommend the service as a good place to live.