We visited Abbeyfield Meadows on a planned unannounced inspection which meant that the service did not know we were coming. Below is a summary of our finding based on our observations, speaking to people who used the service and visitors, the staff supporting them and from looking at records. We considered our inspection findings to answer the questions we always ask '
Is the service safe?
Some people cannot make decisions because of frailty or ill health. Professionals and relatives were involved in taking and making decisions to ensure they were in the person's best interests.
The service placed people at risk because of unsafe handling of medication, so people did not always receive their medicines as prescribed and intended. We have asked the provider to tell us how they are going to improve their service in relation to medication practices.
Is the service responsive?
We saw staff were allocated to work in the two units of the service. People who used the service and visitors told us the staff were very good at supporting them. However, they told us there were not enough staff and they reported delays when support was required. We have asked the provider to tell us how they will ensure staffing levels are sufficient to provide care and support to people in a timely way.
Is the service caring?
Most people who used the service told us that the staff were good and they were satisfied with the care and support provided. We saw that staff in attendance were kind and courteous in their interactions with people.
Visitors told us that they were satisfied with the care provided. They told us of some difficulties encountered with the use of agency staff and their lack of knowledge of the individual's care and support needs.
Is the service effective?
District nurses and other health care professionals were consulted when additional advice and support was needed to meet the care needs of people who used the service.
Care records identified people's needs, choices and preferences but some were not reviewed or updated on a regular basis or when a change was identified. Records were not easily accessible because of the quantity of information in each person's file, meaning it was difficult to find information needed quickly. We have asked the provider to tell us how they are going to improve the recording and reviewing of people's care needs.
Is the service well led?
The service had systems in place to review the quality and safety of the service. These were not completed when they were required to be. We have asked the provider to tell us how they are going to improve the quality of the monitoring of the service.
The service does not have a registered manager. The assistant manager was in charge of the service and was being supported by the area manager of the company. We have asked the provider to tell us how they will make the necessary improvements to ensure the service was managed effectively and efficiently.
Improvements were needed to ensure that records were accurately completed, maintained and provided the necessary information to meet the needs of people who used the service.