This inspection took place on the 8 and 9 November 2017. The first visit was unannounced and started at 07:30am. This was to allow us to meet with the night staff and see how staff duties were allocated for the day. The second visit was by appointment.Wellcross Grange Care Home is a ‘care home’. People in care homes receive accommodation and nursing or personal care as single package under one contractual agreement. CQC regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at during this inspection. People living at Wellcross Grange Care Home were older people, living with physical health conditions and physical frailty. Some people were living with early dementia. However the service is not a specialist service offering support to people to whom dementia is their main need for care. The service accommodates up to 45 people in one adapted building, divided into two separate wings with their own staffing complement and shared spaces.
The home had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run. The registered manager was not available on the days of the inspection, so this was carried out with the clinical lead nurse and operations manager for the provider organisation.
The last inspection of Wellcross Grange Care Home took place on 11 June 2015, when the service was rated as good in all areas. On this inspection although we found some good practice, we identified some areas of concern and the service was rated as requires improvement.
Immediately after the inspection the operations manager from the provider organisation gave us an action plan detailing what actions they were taking to address the concerns.
Systems had not always been operated effectively to assess, monitor and improve the quality and safety of the services provided, or mitigate the risks. During the inspection we identified areas of concern about the environment and people’s care. For example information was not always sufficient to ensure risks to people from poor hydration could be properly assessed. Recent information of concern had not been acted upon immediately, which could have left people at risk of poor care. We asked the service to make a safeguarding referral about this incident during the inspection.
We identified systems to analyse accidents and incidents were not robust enough to identify learning to prevent a potential re-occurrence. Accident forms had been collated but these did not contain a management review or records of what changes were made as a result of the incident or actions taken. Bruising was not always investigated or included on incident forms.
We found staff were not always using positive or respectful language when supporting or describing people and their care. We also saw people being supported in ways which did not demonstrate their dignity was respected. The operations director told us they would be reviewing this immediately.
We received positive feedback about the staff and service. People told us the registered manager was approachable and fair. They told us there was a positive atmosphere, and the service worked well with other agencies to support people’s needs. Staff were attentive to people’s needs, making sure they were well presented and attention had been paid to cleaning spectacles and helping people co-ordinate clothing. The organisation had a set of positive and person centred values, which the operations manager was taking action to ensure were well understood and shared across the staff group. We found the service had an open culture, and saw staff working well as teams, to ensure people’s needs were met. The service had a clear organisational structure where people’s responsibility and accountability was identified.
A new system for training was being implemented at the service. The service’s training matrix showed there were some gaps in staff member’s core training skills. However staff we spoke with felt they had received sufficient training to meet people’s needs, and we saw staff meeting them confidently. For example, staff understood how to deliver good end of life care and nursing staff had recently been on courses to support people at the end of their life. Registered nurses were completing their re-validation to ensure they were still fit to practice.
People were involved in having a say about the service and people were consulted in a meaningful way about their experiences. People were supported to share their views of the service at regular meetings, and through a series of questionnaires. These were then analysed and action plans drawn up to address any issues raised. Senior staff attended meetings with residents and relatives to ensure any concerns could be immediately understood at a senior level.
There were enough staff on duty to meet people’s needs. A full recruitment process was in place which ensured staff were recruited safely. This included the taking up of disclosure and barring service (Police) checks and references. We found some staff were working very long hours. The service was actively recruiting for new staff and the staff we spoke with told us they didn’t mind working long hours and made sure they had time off to rest.
People received their medicines as prescribed. Medicines for ‘as required’ use did not always have clear protocols for their administration recorded. The service agreed to address this with the prescriber. The medicine we saw, which was to manage one person’s anxiety had not been needed in the last month. People received good healthcare support. We had feedback from a visiting healthcare professional who told us the service called for assistance early if they had any concerns over someone’s well-being. We have made a recommendation with regard to the service requesting treatment escalation plans or ‘Do not attempt resuscitation’ (DNACPR) forms are updated by the person’s GP. This is to ensure they remain an accurate reflection of the person’s wishes.
People’s rights with regard to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 were respected. Not all staff had received training in the Mental Capacity Act 2005 or Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). However we saw where DoLS had been granted or applied for the service and staff had a clear understanding of the importance and implementation of this. Systems were in place for the management of complaints.
Wellcross Grange comprised a large period house, with extensive grounds and a small lake, which had been extended to the rear to provide a large ground floor extension with en-suite rooms and shared spaces. The building had been adapted to meet the needs of people with physical impairments, with the use of specialised baths and showers. However there was little adaptation to support people with dementia or low vision. We have made a recommendation about this, as there were people living with both of these conditions at the service.
People were supported to eat a nutritious and varied diet. People told us they ate well, and the chef was happy to make changes to meet people’s particular menu choices. Menus were available in a pictorial format and we saw staff working with a relative to understand one person’s specific meal choices to help encourage them to eat well.
People’s care was assessed and care plans developed as a result, and we saw people’s care was delivered in accordance with their agreed plans. A wide range of activities were provided, which people told us they enjoyed. People’s files did not always contain sufficient information on hobbies or activities they enjoyed, but we saw staff speaking with people to ask them what they wanted to do. Work was being undertaken to address this, and help gather additional information about people’s lives and choices.
We identified a number of breaches of Regulations on this inspection. You can see what action we told the provider to take at the back of the full version of the report.