18 February 2021
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found the following examples of good practice.
¿ Systems were in place to prevent visitors from spreading and catching infection. Only essential visits could take place at the time of inspection. Visitors were screened for COVID-19 before entering the main home. Visitors were required to wear appropriate PPE and wash their hands in a separate allocated washroom.
¿ The home supported people and staff as far as possible with social distancing. Seating in the communal areas was spaced apart. Staff break times were staggered and there was signage in place limiting the number of staff who could enter the staff room at any one time.
¿ People were isolated appropriately in their rooms when needed and in line with government guidance. A reduced number of staff were allocated to care for someone who was isolating, to minimise the risk of cross-infection.
¿ Robust contingency plans were in place to ensure people’s needs were safely met during an outbreak. For example, an outside caterer had been arranged to prepare meals if the home’s kitchen staff were unable to complete their duties due to COVID-19.
¿ The home had ample supplies of PPE which was conveniently located for staff at various points throughout the home. Staff were observed to be wearing appropriate PPE, were bare below the elbow, and were practicing good hand hygiene. Systems were in place to safely dispose of used PPE.
¿ People and staff were taking part in the COVID-19 testing and vaccination programme.
¿ The home was clean throughout. A cleaning schedule was in place which included additional cleaning of frequently touched areas such as door handles. The home had a number of ozone machines which enabled them to carry out deep cleaning.
¿ The home had comprehensive and up to date Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and COVID-19 policies in place. The manager spoke positively about the staff team’s hard work and strong team spirit. The manager had a good relationship with the provider who offered support and assistance throughout the pandemic.