2 March 2021
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Woodlands is a residential care home and provides accommodation and personal care for up to 28 older people and people living with dementia in one adapted building. At the time of our inspection there were 26 people living at Woodlands.
We found the following examples of good practice.
Staff used their infection prevention and control (IPC) practice and training to good effect by adopting social distancing, having regular temperature tests and wearing their personal protective equipment (PPE) correctly.
The provider had ensured sufficient stocks and supplies of the correct standard of PPE. They participated in regular COVID-19 testing programmes and ensured staff knew how to put on and take off their PPE. There were plans in place to manage any potential future outbreak of COVID-19.
The registered manager adhered to IPC guidance by ensuring people admitted to the service were isolated for 14 days. Items such as individual hoists, bedding and clothing was kept separate from other people and regularly disinfected.
Any items or frequently touched area such as handrails, light switches and furniture was sanitised and cleaned using appropriate materials. There was a cleaning programme in place with deep cleans of people’s, and communal, rooms. There were enough staff who could work in separate groups. Only these staff would care for people who needed to isolate to avoid the risk of cross contamination.
The provider’s policies and audits had embedded a safety culture where all staff and people using the service had been vaccinated. Learning from previous infections had given staff confidence to be safe but to be diligent in maintaining good IPC practice.
Staff supported visits to people under special circumstances and any end of life care. Other means of staying in touch with relatives and friends included the use of window visits, social media and e-mailing photographs.