27 March 2017
During a routine inspection
At the last inspection, the service was rated Good.
At this inspection we found the service remained Good.
People said they felt safe and comfortable with the care workers who visited them. Staff were trained in safeguarding people and knew how to report any concerns. There were enough staff to make sure people received their allocated visits at the right times. The provider had robust recruitment and selection procedures in place so staff were thoroughly vetted before they started working for the service.
The service had made improvements to how medicines were overseen to make sure this was safe for the people who needed support with their medicines.
Staff were well-trained and supervised to provide the right care and support to people who used the service. People said they received help to manage their meals and nutrition where this was required. Staff worked with health and social care professionals to make sure people’s health was maintained.
People and relatives said care staff were caring, kind and thoughtful. They had good relationships, especially with regular care workers. People were treated with dignity and respect. They told us their privacy and confidentiality was protected and staff went the “extra mile” to help them.
People’s care records were personalised about their needs and preferences, so staff had information about how to provide individualised support in the way that people wanted it. People were given clear information about how to make a complaint. They told us any issues they had raised had been dealt with in a quick and professional way.
People and relatives felt the service was well-managed, the registered manager was approachable and the morale of staff was very good. Staff and health and social care professionals said the service was well-run, efficient and worked very well with other agencies in the community.
People were regularly asked for their feedback about the service. They said the service was very well-run and they
Further information is in the detailed findings below