About the service: Assist Home Care Limited is a domiciliary care agency situated in Bradford. It provides personal care to people living in their own houses and flats. At the time of the inspection it was providing a service to 62 people who lived in Bradford and Kirklees.
People’s experience of using this service:
People and relatives told us the service was caring and safe. The length and times of visits were generally reliable and effective. People were supported by consistent staff who knew them well. The service employed several bi-lingual staff which ensured effective communication was maintained.
Records relating to the management of medicines were not always clear. This included inconsistent information about creams and “as required” medicines. We have made a recommendation about the management of some medicines.
People’s care needs were assessed, and care was personalised to meet their individual needs and preferences. Care plans were detailed and reviewed regularly through telephone calls and face to face meetings. People’s views were welcomed and used to update care plans and improve the service.
Staff were knowledgeable and received training, induction and supervision to ensure they carried out their roles well. Training was individualised to ensure staff had the appropriate skills to support people.
The registered manager fostered an open team culture where staff felt supported and involved. Quality assurance, audits and spot checks helped identify and drive improvements. The service worked closely with other providers, health agencies and commissioners to the benefit of people.
More information is in the full report.
Rating at last inspection:
At the last inspection on 29 January and 19 February 2016 the service was rated good.
Why we inspected:
The inspection was part of our routine scheduled plan of visits.
Follow up:
We will continue to monitor the service to ensure that people receive safe, high quality care. Further inspections will be planned for future dates.
For more details, please see the full report, which is on the CQC website, www.cqc.org.uk