6 December 2011
During an inspection looking at part of the service
During our visit we looked at four care plans, care records, incident and accident books, communication books, health professional records and spoke to all of the people living at the home except one who was out. The home also sent us a comprehensive action plan detailing what actions had been taken in response to our compliance actions and the safeguarding process. This has now been closed.
We were told there were 11 people were living at the home. We asked the registered manager and one of the providers if there was anyone who might not be well enough to see us, and they told us that there were two people who due to their mental health needs may become more unwell if we spoke to them.
People told us that they were happy with their care and that there were enough staff on duty. They told us about the equipment they used to help keep them healthy and independent. People described how their personal care needs were met and were clear about whom they would go to if they had a problem with their care. No-one raised any concerns about their care but said that if they had any concerns they would tell us.
There had been good improvements in the management and monitoring of safeguarding issues and staff were clear about the safeguarding process and how to identify, record and alert relevant bodies.
Care plans had improved and were well written in a personalised way, although some issues that would need monitoring were difficult to follow in the daily records as opposed to being clearly separated so that they could be evaluated. There were clear instructions regarding how staff were to meet people's needs to ensure that staff understood people's behaviour and were able to support people in an appropriate and consistent manner.