Milton Grange provides intermediate care for up to 37 older people who require a period of rehabilitation or assessment into their abilities and need for support. People who meet the admission criteria usually stayed for up to six weeks. The service was divided into four separate units which specialise in different areas. Two units were for low level nursing and personal care for people who require a period of rehabilitation to recover from an injury or illness. For example following a fall, infection or other illness which makes it unsafe for them to be at home but does not necessarily warrant a hospital admission. The third unit supported people who had a mental health need such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia or substance misuse, which could result in hospital admission if not resolved. The fourth unit supported people living with a dementia type illness for a period of rehabilitation. Although the units specialise in these areas, people may have more than one condition which means some overlap is needed. There may be clients on the low level nursing unit who also has a dementia diagnosis or there may be a person on the mental health unit with a low level nursing need. Allocation to units is decided upon within the assessment process and depends on which need is paramount at the time. The aim of the service is to maximise people’s ability to live independent lives, improve their health and prevent admission to hospital. In addition to short term intermediate care the service could also provide a place of safety for example if a person’s home situation changed suddenly and immediate alternatives could not be found. For example if their main carer is hospitalised and the person would be unable to care for themselves or if a safeguarding concern had been raised and it was unsafe for the person to remain in that situation. Milton Grange is run by East Sussex County Council. There was a Day Centre at Milton Grange which was also run by East Sussex County Council for people living with dementia. This was used by some people at Milton Grange and, if it is felt they may benefit from this, after their discharge to avoid social isolation.
There is a registered manager at the service. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
This was an unannounced inspection which meant the provider and staff did not know we were coming. It took place on 17, 18 and 19 October 2016.
We found Milton Grange to be a value led service where staff fully engaged with and promoted the values of the provider. This was evident throughout our inspection. People were supported by staff who had a strong understanding of them as individuals and their needs. They were empowered and encouraged to plan and meet their rehabilitation goals to enable them, as far as possible, to return home. Staff worked closely with community health professionals and therapists to maximise people’s well-being.
People’s choices and wishes were at the heart of the organisation and the aim was for people to return home. They received excellent care in a way that was personalised and responsive to their changing needs. Staff treated people with kindness and respect. They spent time with people and encouraged them to make their own choices. People’s dignity was fully respected and maintained. People benefitted from a person centred service, which actively sought their views and promoted individual well-being, inclusion and openness.
People told us they felt safe whilst staying at the service. There were systems in place that ensured medicines were well managed and people received their medicines when they needed them. These systems were regularly audited and action taken to rectify shortfalls and prevent a reoccurrence.
There were enough support staff, nurses and therapists on duty to meet people’s needs and ensure they received the person centred care they required. The staffing levels ensured people had the opportunity for social interaction with staff on a regular basis throughout each day and not just for task based care such as personal care. People’s mental well-being was also a key priority for the manager and the provider. .
Staff had been robustly recruited and were suitable to work at the home. They had a clear understanding of what constituted abuse and told us what actions they would take if they believed someone was at risk.
Risks to people's safety were thoroughly identified, assessed and managed. Assessments identified people's specific needs, and showed how risks could be minimised whilst allowing people to live independent and fulfilling lives.
Staff had a clear understanding the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. They were knowledgeable about the requirements of the legislation and knew how to support people in the least restrictive ways.
The manager and chef worked hard to ensure people were supported to eat and drink food of their choice and maintain a healthy diet. Nutritional assessments were in place and helped staff to identify people who may be at risk of malnutrition.
Staff knew people exceptionally well and recognised when they may need to be referred to an appropriate healthcare professional for example the GP or district nurse.
There was a robust induction programme for all staff to ensure they had the appropriate knowledge and skills before they commenced working unsupervised. Staff received on-going training and support they required to ensure people’s needs were met. They enjoyed working at the service and felt well supported in their roles. They had access to a wide range of training which equipped them to deliver their roles effectively. We could not tell the difference between agency and permanent staff which demonstrated the highly effective training and support provided.
The registered manager recognised that they also needed to continually learn and develop and worked with a wide range of professionals to continually develop the service.
The vision and values of the service were constantly demonstrated by staff in their interactions with people and with each other. Staff had a clear understanding of their responsibilities. They were always well supported by the registered manager and their colleagues.
The registered manager had created an open, transparent and inclusive atmosphere. There was strong oversight of the service and the registered manager worked with staff to promote continual learning and development to improve people’s lives.
There was a robust system of quality assurance in place. Audits were analysed to identify where improvements could be made. Action was taken to implement improvements and drive the service forward.