Updated 13 May 2024
Ganarew House is a residential care home providing accommodation and personal care to people aged 18 and over and specialises in caring for people living with dementia.
Date of assessment 13 May 2024 to 20 June 2024. This assessment was prompted by a notification of an incident following which a person using the service sustained a serious injury. This incident is subject to further investigation by CQC as to whether any regulatory action should be taken. As a result, this assessment did not examine the circumstances of the incident.
However, the information shared with CQC at the time regarding the incident indicated potential concerns about the management of risks. We had not received any other intelligence to suggest we needed to review additional quality statements. This assessment therefore only examined 3 quality statements relating to safety. The registered manager and staff team had taken action to reduce the risk of a similar incident occurring again in the future and no safety concerns were found during this assessment. Therefore, the service remains rated good.
The registered manager and staff team learnt from incidents and accidents and had a positive culture of safety based on openness and honesty. Staff assessed and mitigated risks to individuals and ensured the environment was safe. The provider had enough staff to ensure people’s safety and meet their needs. The registered manager and the staff team managed the risk of infection well and shared any concerns with appropriate agencies promptly.