Perry Manor provides accommodation, nursing and personal care for up to 82 older people. There were 80 people living at the home on the day of our inspection. This inspection took place on 26 July 2018 and was unannounced and on 1 August 2018 we returned to the home announced. Perry Manor is a 'care home'. People in care homes receive accommodation and nursing or personal care as single package under one contractual agreement. CQC regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at during this inspection.
Perry Manor accommodates people across three floors, each of which has individual adapted facilities. The needs of people vary from residential, nursing or people living with dementia.
At our last inspection on 3 February 2016 we rated the service 'Good'. At this inspection we found significant developments which had led to improvements. People continued to receive a very good level of care and further developments had been made under' responsive' and 'well-led'. We have rated the service 'Outstanding' in 'responsive' and 'well-led' and therefore overall.
There was a registered manager in post at the time of our inspection. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are 'registered persons'. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
The registered manager was an excellent role model and together with their staff team they had a passion to learn about and aim for best practice with people very much at the heart of their care. People who lived at the home and all staff were actively encouraged to contribute to the evaluation of the care provided and recommendations of where they could aim higher to drive through improvements. Regular quality audits and checks were completed so that improvements were continually recognised and there was effective follow up action which made sure people received a high-quality service.
The philosophy of the service was created and shared by people who lived at the home, all staff and the management team. These were based around people being supported to live the lives they chose. Staff had developed a ‘can do’ attitude which had brought alive creative initiatives which enhanced people’s quality of life and provided therapeutic benefit when responding to people’s diverse needs.
People were supported to retain an active presence in the local community and to maintain their personal interests and hobbies. There was a rich programme of things for people to do for fun and interest for people to choose to take part in. Peoples own talents were celebrated and people were supported to have lead roles in sharing their talents and interests with other people.
The management and staff team had a passion to undertake outreach work in the local community to promote greater awareness and understanding of the needs of people living with dementia. A dementia café supported people to come and share their experiences in a caring environment where staff were solution focused. Staff also shared their knowledge in different subject areas with people and their families as a way of empowering people to
People were protected from the risks of abuse because staff were trained in recognising and reporting any concerns of potential abuse. The provider had effective recruitment arrangements to ensure staff were suitable for their role before they commenced working at the home. The registered manager made sure there were enough suitably skilled, qualified and experienced staff to support people safely.
Risks to people's individual health and wellbeing were assessed and their care was planned to reduce the risks. Medicines were stored, administered and disposed of safely. Staff followed the providers policies in reducing the risk of cross infections and regularly checks were undertaken to make sure people lived in a clean environment.
People's needs were assessed so these could be met effectively. Staff were trained in subjects aligned to the individual needs of people they provided care and support to. People were supported to eat and drink enough to maintain a balanced diet which met their needs and preferences.
People were supported to maintain their health and prompt action was taken to refer people to healthcare professionals when they became unwell or their health needs changed. People continued to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible
People’s needs were supported by staff who were compassionate and caring. Staff understood people's diverse needs and interests and supported them to maintain their independence. Staff respected people's right to privacy and supported people to maintain their dignity.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.