A single inspector carried out this inspection. The focus of the inspection was to answer five key questions; is the service safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led? The service was being provided to 30 people at the time of the inspection. We visited three people, who used the service, in their own home, spoke with one other on the telephone and spoke with three relatives. We looked at the records, both in their own home and the office, for three people. We met with six staff members and spoke with three more on the telephone. We looked at records held in the office including staff records, policies and procedures, accident records and records of complaints and compliments. Below is a summary of what we found.If you want to read the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
The service was not safe because staff did not receive all the appropriate training to carry out their role. The most up to date records were not always present in a person's home which meant staff may not be aware of the current agreed plan of care or risks to a person's safety. Compliance actions have been set for these areas and the provider must tell us what they intend to do to meet these.
Staff understood how to protect vulnerable people in their care and knew how to report any concerns they had.
There were detailed plans of care and risk assessments documented which were held in the office. These documents were not always consistent with those present in a person's home.
People told us they felt safe and confident with the staff who provided the care and support.
All the relevant information was obtained prior to a new person starting work, to ensure they were fit to work with vulnerable adults.
Staff received a high level of supervision when they first starting working at the service and a continued regular observation of their practice. This showed staff were supported in their work and opportunities to ensure they were following correct procedures were in place.
Is the service effective?
The service was effective because people told us they received the care and support they required in a manner which met with their choices.
They said the staff were mostly on time and they were informed if there was going to be a delay. They could access a rota so they knew who was going to visit them.
Is the service caring?
The service was caring because staff treated people with dignity and respect, addressing them politely and showing patience.
People said the care was 'Excellent' and one person said 'I don't think it could be better.' They described the staff as 'Very helpful,' 'Very caring and kind' and 'Wonderful.'
Is the service responsive?
The service was responsive because people felt in control of their own care and were involved in how they were supported and assisted.
They told us the service was flexible to meet their needs with two people telling us specific visits had been made in order to assist them early in the morning before other appointments.
Staff understood when there was a need to involve other health professionals, including in an emergency.
Is the service well-led
The service was well-led in terms of the organisation of the systems of care and support for people and the support for staff.
The records were not always up to date. Some of the specific care records, in a person's home, were not the latest ones developed. Some policies and guidance in the office were not kept up to date.