22 November 2011
During an inspection in response to concerns
'I am ok about doing the early shifts. Sometimes I start at 6.30 ' 7am. It is up to the clients what time they want us'.
'I have mostly the same clients each week. I work evenings which is my preference. No problems with work. I have a group of clients each week but sometimes it varies'.
'I work split shifts but I don't start before 8.00am as this is my preference. I have mainly the same group of clients. I love my job'.
People who use the service commented:
'Things were going well. I had let the agency know what I need and that is what the staff do. I requested an early morning time of 7.00 as I am ready to get up by then. The staff are well dressed and ok. I usually have a small team of staff visiting about 4 people to cover the week. I have spoken with the care manager and she is fine'.
'The staff usually visit between 8.00 ' 9.30. This is the time I prefer. If a different member of staff is going to visit then I am always told. The staff are excellent, good workers and flexible. There were problems a while ago about not being notified of which staff member would be visiting but it has settled down now. The supervisor has a pleasant manner and is efficient. The care manager is friendly. Usually the same group of staff visit'.
'I have an early morning visit as I like to get up at 7.00 and I choose the times I wanted. The staff are ok, they always arrive on time. The care manager is ok. There were problems in the past but this is resolved now. I need some equipment to support me and sometimes there can be a training issue with new staff'.
Relatives spoken with commented:
'We are pleased with the service. Staff arrive at 6.30 which is when the client wishes to rise. The same staff visit this person. The staff are good and work hard. I can hear them laughing and joking with my relative in the room next door'.
'The care manager is ok and I am pleased with the support we get'.