- Homecare service
Archived: Bluebird Care (Colchester & Tendring)
All Inspections
25 February 2013
During a routine inspection
Staff we spoke with said they had received all the necessary training to meet the needs of those they cared for. One person told us they had various training sessions that week and enjoyed learning. Another carer said she was undertaking her National Vocational Qualification Level 2 in care, which is a recognised qualification for care staff. One care staff said, " I like being with people and love the job."
19 May and 4 July 2011
During a routine inspection
People using the service confirmed that they were involved in their care plan and assessment. People told us that their care plans were in their own homes and that a senior member of staff reviews them. One person with whom we spoke, who had recently started using the service told us that 'The provider has visited me two or three times to check my care plan and check I am happy with everything so far.'
People with whom we spoke said they had a care plan in their own home which explained their care and support needs. People told us that the carers always refer to this and at the end of the visit notes are made which are signed by the person using the service.
People with whom we spoke told us that the care staff support in meal preparation as required. A relative of an individual using the service told us that 'My x's health has picked up so much since Bluebird Care (Colchester and Tendring) has been helping out. My x now eats a well balanced meal and Bluebird helps x with meals.'
In addition to this another person with whom we spoke told us that the care staff always arrive at regular times which helps when planning and preparing meals. People were able to confirm that if any issues arose in relation to a person's nutritional intake then relatives and/or other representatives are always made aware of the issue.
People told us that the staff consider their personal preferences and choices at all times. One person using the service expressed certain wishes. The individual told us that Bluebird Care (Colchester and Tendering) are excepting of their choices this is recorded in the care plan. Individuals told us that they felt safe being cared for.
People with whom we spoke told us that the staff were trained and always listened to what they said or asked of them. One person told us that 'They care for me in such away that makes me feel safe in my own home.'
People also told us that the care staff wear aprons and gloves when supporting them. One person with whom we spoke told us the staff always have clean uniforms on.
People with whom we spoke told us that they are always asked there opinions and they feel that the provider consults with them and improvements are made if required.
People with whom we spoke told us that Bluebird Care (Colchester and Tendering) seeks feedback from people using the service to make improvements to the service. One person with whom we spoke told us that the owner is approachable and that they feel able to speak to them if they had any suggests and or complaints. People with whom we spoke told us that they know how to make a complaint.
People with whom we spoke told us that they felt the provider deals swiftly with any complaints that are made and that they listen to their concerns no matter how small.
People told us that they have a copy of their care records in their own home. People with whom we spoke told us that the provider discussed their records with them and spoke about how they would ensure that their confidentially was maintained and respected.