The inspection took place on 19 January 2015 and was unannounced. Cloverdale provides accommodation and support to four people who have a learning disability and who may have physical health conditions such as epilepsy. People who live at Cloverdale may experience behaviours that challenge staff.
The service had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
One person’s relative told us their daughter had “Changed a lot” and “She is happy there.” A person said “I can say if I am unhappy.” They also said staff were nice and they felt safe with them. People were observed to be relaxed and comfortable in the company of staff. People’s physical environment was safe for them. Staff had received relevant training on how to safeguard people and understood their roles and responsibilities. Risks to people both at home and in the community had been assessed. Staff managed risks to people effectively whilst ensuring their rights to make choices were respected. Staff were able to identify risks to people’s wellbeing and health, and took appropriate actions to support their safety.
A relative told us staffing was stable. Staffing was sufficient to support people on a day to day basis and was flexible if their needs changed. The service currently had one staff vacancy, which was being covered by other staff and the registered manager. This ensured people received consistent care.
People’s medicines were managed safely, because staff were appropriately trained and supported to administer medicines. When incidents had occurred lessons had been learnt by staff about how to reduce the risk of their re-occurrence, and practices had been changed accordingly.
Staff received an induction into their role and ongoing supervision and support. In addition to the provider’s required training, staff undertook additional training to enable them to meet the individual needs of the people they cared for effectively.
People were supported to make their own decisions. Where people lacked the mental capacity to make specific decisions staff were guided by the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. This ensured any decisions made were in the person’s best interests. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) which applies to care homes. Applications had been submitted for the four people who lived at the service. We found the home to be meeting the requirements of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
People were seen to enjoy their food and told us they liked to join in cooking. Staff supported people to make choices about their food and drink. Potential risks to people associated with eating and drinking, such as the risk of choking or an allergic reaction to food had been assessed and managed.
People’s healthcare needs had been identified and they were supported to access a range of health care services. People were referred to health care specialists if required. People received support from staff to ensure they maintained good health.
Staff valued and respected people. They displayed people’s arts and crafts and enabled them to make choices about how they wanted their bedrooms and the service to be decorated. People were supported to dress in their own style. Staff understood people’s individual interests and preferences. They met with people regularly to discuss and plan their care. Where people had particular interests or wishes they were assisted to meet them. People received their support from staff who cared about them and involved them in daily life. People were supported to maintain contact with their families. Their wishes were listened to and respected.
People were encouraged and enabled to be as independent as possible. Staff followed guidance when supporting people to enable them to do tasks for themselves.
People were involved in planning and reviewing their care. Their care plans reflected their diverse needs. Staff read people’s care plans before providing them with support and followed the guidance provided.
People were encouraged to participate in a range of community activities. They took part in activities during the week. There was only one driver for the minibus but staff ensured this did not impact on people’s ability to go out and arranged alternative transport when required.
There were processes in place to enable people to raise any concerns they might have. Staff met with people on a one to one basis and there were monthly resident meetings. Details of the complaints process were displayed in an appropriate format for people to read.
The provider had aims and objectives in relation to the support people should expect to receive. Staff understood these and put them into practice when delivering people’s care. The registered manager and staff had a good understanding of the culture of the service. People were supported by staff who were encouraged to speak up if they had concerns.
A relative told us the service was well-led and they could speak with the manager anytime. The registered manager was accessible and supportive to people and staff. The registered manager understood the challenges of the service and how stressful an environment it could be for staff to work in. She was supported in her role by the operations manager. People’s care was provided by staff who received good management and leadership.
The views of people, their relatives and professionals such as social workers, nurses and GP’s were sought through the annual quality survey which had just been circulated. The provider had quality assurance systems in place which were used to regularly monitor the quality of the service people received. Where issues were identified or incidents had occurred actions had been taken. The quality of people’s care was monitored and improvements made where required.