The inspection team consisted of one adult social care CQC inspector. On the day of our inspection the registered manager told us 120 people used the service. We spoke with the registered manager, managing director, administration staff and two care workers during our inspection. After our inspection, we spoke with a further four care workers. We also spoke with nine people who use the service, and three relatives of people who use the service.
We considered all the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected, which related to involving and respecting people, people's care and welfare, safeguarding people from harm, staff recruitment, and assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision. We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask;
' Is the service caring?
' Is the service responsive?
' Is the service safe?
' Is the service effective?
' Is the service well led?
This is a summary of what we found.
Is the service caring?
All the people and relatives we spoke with told us care workers were caring. One person told us 'They [the care workers] are excellent. I don't have a bad word to say about any of them. They are perfect in every way'. Another told us 'X [the care worker] is very nice, I could adopt her'.
Care workers spoke of the people they supported with respect and fondness. They told us they listened to what people wanted. One care worker explained 'I respect people's choices'.
We looked at eight care plans. Each of these was personalised, noting the person's needs and wishes. The plan of care was agreed with the person. It provided guidance for staff to follow to ensure they provided care that met people's needs whilst respecting their preferences.
Information was regularly reviewed to ensure it remained accurate. Managers reviewed information with people to ensure they received the care they required and wanted. One person told us 'They make regular checks to make sure we are ok'.
Is the service responsive?
We found the service was responsive to people's needs and wishes. One person told us 'Everything I've asked for they give, or have an answer [if they are unable to support the request]. They've been very good to me. I can't fault them in any way'. Another person said 'They seem to listen to what I say'.
Staff told us they had opportunities to suggest changes to people's care to meet changing needs. They told us they felt managers were supportive and fair. One care worker stated 'They always consider your opinions'.
People's care and support needs were assessed and reviewed. Information was documented in their care plan, which was kept at the person's home. We saw care workers were reminded to document any changes to people's care needs, and were supported to proactively engage with health professionals to promote people's health and wellbeing.
When concerns were raised, the provider took steps to meet people's expectations. One person told us 'One [care worker] didn't work out. I made a criticism, and they promptly put in a substitute'.
Is the service safe?
We found the service promoted people's safety. One person told us 'I feel very safe with them [the care workers]'. Staff we spoke with understood the provider's safeguarding policy, and told us they were confident in recognising signs that indicated potential abuse. All staff attended safeguarding training during their induction to the service. This training was refreshed annually.
We saw care plans identified and assessed risks that may cause harm to people or others. Actions were taken to reduce the risk of harm. Staff respected people, and took account of their wishes and preferences. Where this potentially increased the risk of harm, we saw this was documented with appropriate guidance for staff. For example, one person identified at risk of falling declined use of a walking aid. Care workers were reminded to increase the level of support provided to reduce the risk of falls when this person moved around their home.
The provider completed appropriate checks before staff began work. Where it was appropriate, they recorded investigations they completed to verify the information supplied to them by applicants. This meant there were effective recruitment and selection processes in place.
Is the service effective?
We found the service was effective. One person told us 'I was dreading having care, but I'm happy with how it's been'. Another person told us the service was 'excellent'.
People told us they were involved in reviews of their care and support needs. This meant they had the opportunity to raise issues or request changes promptly. Care plans detailed the tasks that care workers had to complete at each visit. Care workers told us they were informed of changes to people's care needs to ensure they provided appropriate support and care. They listened to people's comments to ensure they supported people as they wished. One person told us 'They get in contact quite often. I feel I can always talk to them'.
Is the service well led?
We found the service was well led. One person told us 'I am very satisfied with the care I get', and another said 'I can't fault them'. The provider sought feedback from people and their relatives regularly, though visits, telephone monitoring calls and an annual survey. They used the information provided to review the care provided, and identify improvements that could be made.
Staff told us they felt supported to provide care with confidence. One care worker told us 'It's good to know I'm supported when I'm working alone'. Another said 'There's always someone I can contact in an emergency'. Care workers told us they felt appreciated by people and their managers. One care worker told us 'We are praised for providing good care. It makes you feel good to be recognised for the good care we give'.
The provider had effective systems in place to ensure they maintained quality within the care provided. They promoted communication between office staff and care workers to encourage information sharing. Records were reviewed regularly to ensure people received the care they needed and wanted. The provider took pride in in the quality of the service provided.