• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Oaktrees (Respite)

25-26 Norfolk Drive, Attleborough, Norfolk, NR17 1QW (01953) 457360

Provided and run by:
Flagship Housing Group Limited

All Inspections

5 September 2014

During a routine inspection

An adult social care inspector carried out this inspection. The inspection visit was in an afternoon and early evening to enable the inspector to speak with all three of the people who were using the service. The inspector also spoke with the registered manager and the member of care staff who was on duty that evening. We reviewed the care plans for all the three people who were using the service at the time of our inspection, and checked some details in the care plans of two other regular users of the service. We examined the recruitment and training records for the three most recent staff recruits and scrutinised other records pertaining to the safe provision of the service.

The summary below describes our findings from the records we looked at, what we observed, and our conversations with the people who used the service and with the registered manager and a member of care staff.

Is the service safe?

People's care plans identified and assessed risks in their daily lives, such as with their mobility and bathing. These risk assessments were reviewed to ensure that they remained current so that people could be provided with the care and assistance they needed to keep them healthy and safe.

We saw that procedures were in place to deal with foreseeable emergencies.

The registered manager stated that all staff had received training in the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. We saw that people were supported in making their own decisions.

Is the service effective?

People received the care and support they required to promote and maintain their health and well-being.

Effective liaison with health and medical professionals ensured prompt response if people had any health issues or other problems.

We saw that people's welfare was protected whilst their independence and social

interaction was supported.

Is the service caring?

People liked the staff and were pleased with the service provided. One person told us, 'It's nice here. I like coming here.' We saw that staff treated the people in a friendly, caring and professional way.

Care and support was planned and delivered in accordance with people's needs and


Is the service responsive?

We found that the service was responsive to people's wishes and encouraged feedback. We saw returned questionnaires which confirmed that people who used the service, their relatives and social care professionals were pleased with the care and support provided. Increased outings and holidays were arranged in response to feedback.

Is the service well led?

The service was person-centred and care was taken to ensure that suitable staff were recruited and given the training they needed to provide good care and support to people who used the service.

The providers had effective systems in place to regularly assess and monitor the quality of the service.

29 November 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with people using the service who told us that staff consulted them and respected and acted on the decisions they had made about the care and support they had agreed to.

We found that the plans of care were complete and contained up to date information. We saw that they contained the information staff members needed to ensure that the health and safety of people was promoted.

People using the service told us that they had received the care and support they needed and that staff were excellent.

We saw that the people's individual medication was available and monitored and found that the provider had taken action to ensure it was administered safely and recorded accurately.

People using the service told us that staff members were kind and respectful towards them.

People using the service told us that their complaints were listened to and resolved. We found that there was a complaints system in place that met the needs of people using the service.

25 May 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with two of the three people who were staying at the home. People told us that their needs were met and that they were consulted about the care and support that they were provided with. People were complimentary about the staff that cared for them and told us that they always treated them with respect and that their privacy was respected. They told us that the activities they chose were arranged and that they were provided with something to do on most days. They also told us that the environment was comfortable and clean and that they were provided with good quality meals.

We also used the Short Observational Framework for Inspection (SOFI). SOFI is a specific way of observing care to help us understand the experience of people who did not comment. We observed that people staying at the home were given the support and attention they needed, were appropriately supported to manage their behaviour and had a positive experience of being included in conversations and decision making.