- Care home
Bluebell Park
Report from 4 November 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Learning culture
- Safe systems, pathways and transitions
- Safeguarding
- Involving people to manage risks
- Safe environments
- Safe and effective staffing
- Infection prevention and control
- Medicines optimisation
People and their relatives told us Bluebell Park was a safe service and spoke positively about the care provided. We found the service to have effective systems in place to monitor and review people’s needs and risks. Staff were knowledgable on how to report any concerns, and the registered manager and provider ensured accidents and incidents were monitored, to identify any emerging themes or patterns in order to improve the care provided. We found suitable staffing levels in place and observed people to receive timely assistance when required. We also found staff had appropriate training and competence checks which supported them to carry out their roles safely. We found the service to be exceptionally clean and maintained to a high standard, health and safety was well managed and regular checks of the environment were carried out. We found medicines were safely managed and safe systems were in place to ensure people received their medicines as prescribed.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Learning culture
Relatives consistently told us of the positive changes they had noticed in their family members since using the service. Relatives gave us several examples of where staff had ensured people’s health and care was reviewed and adapted to meet their individual needs.
The registered manager told us how analysed accidents and incidents to identify any emerging themes or patterns to identify if any changes or improvements were required to the care provided. The registered manager and staff team were passionate about making a difference to people’s lives and shared the many initiatives they had worked on at Bluebell Park to positively support people.
We reviewed several records of evidence and impact of best practice, these documents contained differences the staff team had made to people’s care and support to enable positive outcomes. We reviewed several documents which contained information to demonstrate the staff team had supported people to achieve positive outcomes.
Safe systems, pathways and transitions
We did not look at Safe systems, pathways and transitions during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.
People told us they felt safe using the service. Relatives also told us they felt the service was safe. One relative told us, “Yes, I think [person] feels safe, we are very happy, the staff treat [person] well.” Another relative told us, I have no complaints, I am very pleased with staff, I visit very daily. The staff are very respectful, very kind nothing is too much trouble.”
Staff were knowledgeable on how to identify and report safeguarding concerns both inside the organisation and externally if required. The management team told us about the systems in place to ensure safeguarding incidents were thoroughly investigated and the provider told us how also monitored incidents and where required ensured lessons were learned.
We observed staff to support people safely, we observed staff supporting people in a timely manner when they needed assistance, and we found measures in place such as assistive technology which had been put in place following an assessment of people’s needs this aided their independence and helped support their safety.
Staff had received training in safeguarding. We found effective systems in place to ensure accidents and incidents were investigated and analysed. We found the registered manager had taken appropriate action when safeguarding incidents had occurred and this included carrying out their duty in accordance with the duty of candour and reporting to external agencies such as the local safeguarding team and CQC.
Involving people to manage risks
Relatives spoke positively about how staff ensured people’s risks were known, monitored and managed. Relatives told us about the positive changes they had seen in their family members since moving to Bluebell park. One relative told us, “The change in [person] has been so noticeable, they didn’t give up on [person].” Another told us, “[Person] has dementia, they [staff] know just how to deal with this, they are very professional and caring.”
Staff told us they had access to people’s care plans and risk assessments; they also told us they had regular meetings and updates so they were made aware of any changes in people's care.
We observed staff to support people safely, we observed staff supporting people when they needed assistance and in line with their care plans. We observed staff to know people well and understand their individual needs.
Risks which affected people's daily lives, were documented and known by staff. The management team monitored and regularly assessed these risks and took appropriate actions to ensure people received care in a safe and consistent way. We also found clear personalised guidance was in place for staff to support people. Guidance detailed people's individual needs, preferences and key things that were important to them.
Safe environments
Relatives told us they felt the environment was safe and clean. One relative told us, “It's really good, always immaculate.” Relatives also told us when maintenance issues had happened, these were dealt with promptly.
Staff and leaders told us how they were proud of the environment and how this had been decorated and maintained to support and aid people living with dementia. The registered manager and maintenance staff also told us about the various systems they had in place to ensure a safe environment, this included daily walkarounds, audits and regular checks of the equipment and the service.
We observed the environment to be exceptionally clean and well maintained. We found signage in place to orientate and inform people. We also found useful information on display to inform people, this included what activities were happening, what was on the menu and when various meetings were taking place.
Systems and processes were in place to ensure a safe environment. We reviewed the health and safety within the service and found this was regularly checked and compliance certificates were in place and up to date.
Safe and effective staffing
People and their relatives told us there was enough staff available. One relative told us, “Yes, there are enough never had a problem, there are always staff around.” Relatives also told us how they found staff were trained and skilled, in particular around dementia care.
The registered manager told us about the systems they had in place which ensured people received continuity of care from regular staff they were familiar with. Staff spoke positively about the training they had received and told us they felt the staffing levels met people’s needs.
Sufficient staff were available during our inspection to meet people's needs, we observed call bells responded to in a timely manner and people confirmed to us that staff were responsive when they needed assistance. We observed staff spending time chatting with people and carrying out activities both in communal areas and in people's bedrooms.
The provider had a dependency tool in place which ensured the needs of people were regularly reviewed to ensure suitable staffing levels were in place. We reviewed the staff training matrix and found staff were compliant with the providers mandatory training requirements which was suitable for their roles.
Infection prevention and control
Relatives told us they felt the environment was safe and clean.
Staff told us they had received training in infection, prevention and control and how they applied this in their day to day practice. The registered manager told us how they ensured regular competency checks were carried out to assess staff’s knowledge and understanding in this area.
We observed the environment to be exceptionally clean. We checked and found adequate supplies of PPE (Personal protective equipment) in place.
The service had an up to date infection, prevention and control policy in place.We found regular infection, prevention and control audits had taken place and actions had been promptly addressed. The service also had an infection, prevention and control champion who provided guidance and updates on best practice to the staff team.
Medicines optimisation
Relatives told us their family members received their medicines as prescribed and regular reviews of medicines took place. One relative told us, “[Person] has time specific medicine, I have been there when its due and [staff] have always been on time to give this.” And another relative told us, “[Staff] always let me know if the doctor has changed anything.”
Staff were knowledgeable on how to administer medicine safely. Staff told us about the systems in place to ensure medicines were safely managed.
Medicines were managed safely, regular checks of the stock levels were carried out by staff. Medicines were regularly checked to ensure the stock levels were correct and recorded as necessary.