6 December 2011
During an inspection in response to concerns
We did attempt to build a rapport with people so they felt comfortable with us, we did this by speaking generally about peoples home environment and preparations for Christmas, rather than asking direct questions relating to the essential standards.
However, we observed the interactions between people who live at the home and the staff and these are recorded in this report.
We visited this home on the 21 October 2011. Since then and before the report was issued, concerns were raised by the local authority and by colleagues who visited homes owned by the same provider in Devon. As a result of those concerns we returned to carry out a follow up responsive review of compliance on 6 December 2011. Information from both visits is included in this report.
We had already been notified by the provider that the registered manager for this service was on long term sick leave. The management arrangements for the home are that the registered manager of two other locations owned by the provider will provide management cover with additional support from one of the directors.
During our visit, two people who used the service went shopping with two members of staff. Two people remained at home with one member of staff. Later in the day one person went for a drive with one member of staff.
One person sat with a puzzle from when we arrived at 09.35 until 12.35 apart from going to the kitchen for a drink and biscuit during the morning. The person appeared engaged with the puzzle at times but at other times they showed little interest and appeared withdrawn. This person was quiet and received minimal attention from the staff.