5 February 2019
During a routine inspection
People’s experience of using this service:
People received a consistently good service. People received safe and effective care from kind and caring staff. Staff knew people well and had a good understanding of their personality traits as well as their health and social care needs.
People and their relatives had been fully involved in the assessment and planning of their care before they started using the service. A care plan had been developed with each person detailing their likes, dislikes, preferences and care needs.
Consent had been sought before any care had been delivered in line with legal requirements and people were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives.
Staff treated people and their relatives with kindness, dignity and respect. People’s privacy was protected and confidential information was stored securely. People were supported and encouraged to remain independent and do as much as possible for themselves. People were supported to maintain contact with people that mattered to them. The provider had organised and invited people who used the service to social events to help prevent social isolation.
Steps had been taken to make sure people were safe. Risks to people had been assessed and minimised in the least restrictive way. Staff had access to protective clothing such as gloves and aprons and had completed training in infection control.
Staff were safely recruited and well trained and they had a good understanding of people’s needs. Staff felt supported by the management team. Management and staff worked in collaboration with other stakeholders such as health and social care professionals and people’s relatives.
A complaints procedure was in place for people to follow. There was a system in place for recording complaints and outcomes.
The service met characteristics of Good in all areas more information is in the full report.
Rating at last inspection: Good (report published 31 August 2016).
Why we inspected: We inspected the service as part of our inspection schedule methodology for ‘Good’ rated services.
Follow up: We will continue to monitor intelligence we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. If any concerning information is received we may inspect sooner.