The address in this report was no longer correct as the service had moved. The incorrect address appears because it was the address on our system at the time of the inspection. We have advised the provider how to change the address on our system.The four people we spoke with and records we reviewed showed people received support that met their needs. One person told us 'they have made a huge difference ' it is a relief to be somewhere where people know how to help me'.
People told us they were encouraged to be as independent as possible and felt their individual preferences were respected. One person told us 'staff encourage me to do what I can by myself and help me with the rest'.
We found the company was following appropriate recruitment procedures and the necessary checks were in place to protect people receiving support.
The staff and people we spoke with were all familiar with how to raise a safeguarding concern. One person told us 'I can speak to staff if I'm worried'. Safeguarding concerns had been dealt with appropriately in the past although we had not been notified as required.
The system for recording medication administration was not robust. Staff did not have access to all the information they needed to administer medication safely.
The provider monitored service quality by speaking to people, observing staff and responding to incidents and complaints. People felt listened to and one person said 'all my previous issues have been sorted'.