During our visit we spoke with six people living in the home and to three visitors. They told us that people were treated with respect and that their privacy and dignity was maintained. Most visitors and one person living in the home told us that staff were caring and able to meet the needs of individuals. However, one visitor told us that staff did not always communicate well with their relative who was unable to respond verbally.
Relatives told us that they were involved in planning the care of the people living in the home. They also told us that they were able to raise any concerns they may have and that these were responded to appropriately.
People and their visitors we spoke with told us that they did not have any significant concerns. Most told us that staff were able to meet the person's needs and gave examples such as ensuring they were turned regularly and providing specialist feeding. However some visitors were less complimentary about several aspects of the care their relative received. One told us that their relative was not always supported appropriately by staff and three visitors told us that bed linen was in short supply within the home. Another relative expressed dissatisfaction with the home's call bell system, explaining that it did not identify to staff which person had activated the bell.