6 January 2014
During a routine inspection
We saw some positive examples of care being delivered to people and staff were responsive to the needs of people. We had some concerns about the care planning in relation to nutrition and the risk of falls and developing pressure sores. We met with the registered provider and they took immediate action to make improvements. We looked at the care planning again and found that the required improvements had been completed and care was assessed and planned for appropriately. The improvements also meant people were supported to maintain their nutrition and hydration.
Processes were in place to make sure staff knew how to recognise and respond to any incidents or allegations of abuse. The registered provider took action to ensure care plans reflected people's needs in relation to how they communicated their needs through behaviour.
Staff were being supported to have the right skills to do the job. However there were not always enough staff to meet the needs of people using the service.
We were not always notified of significant events in the home.