09 December 2016
During a routine inspection
We do not currently rate substance misuse services.
We found:
- The unit was staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Mandatory training had been completed by all staff. Electronic records demonstrated this alongside recording in personnel files.
- Clients who required alcohol detoxification completed this prior to admission at the providers’ detoxification unit in Burton on Trent or at other detoxification facilities.
- There was evidence of reporting and learning from incidents and there had been no serious incidents in the service during the past twelve months.
- Thorough assessments took place prior to admission including pre-rehab groups held on a weekly basis.
- The treatment records seen all contained recovery plans that were up to date, personalised, holistic and recovery orientated
- Information was stored securely, some information was stored electronically but the majority of treatment records were paper based
- Clients signed a written treatment contract which included consent to bag searches, urine screening, and breathalyser testing, reduced access to the telephone and no unescorted leave.
- There was a family/carer group which ran on a weekly basis.
- Therapies on offer included relapse prevention, relaxation, anger management, and stress management, cycle of addiction, life story work and 1:1 therapy sessions tailored to individual needs.
- The provider had a two year aftercare programme in order to continue to support clients in their recovery journey after completing the residential programme.
- A clear structure was in place for reporting complaints with timescales for response.
- Staff knew and spoke confidently and with passion for the organisation’s recovery focused values.
- Both the Chief Executive Officer and senior managers had a visible presence and staff told us they were approachable.