15 July 2015
During a routine inspection
Care Support MK Ltd. is registered to provide personal care for adults in their own homes and supported living services. They currently provide support to people with learning disabilities or autism, and also have the capacity to care for older people and people with physical disabilities. On the day of our visit the service provided support for 8 people in their own homes and supported living services.
This inspection was announced and took place on 15 July 2015.
The service had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People were protected from abuse and felt safe with the service being provided to them. Staff were knowledgeable about risks of abuse and the different forms it could take. Systems were in place to report abuse and act to reduce the likelihood of it re-occurring.
Risks to people and the service were assessed and plans put in place to manage them.
There were appropriate numbers of staff employed to meet people’s needs. Safe and effective recruitment practices were followed.
There were suitable arrangements for the safe management and administration of medication.
Staff received regular training and supervision. They were well supported to perform their roles.
People’s nutritional needs were identified by the service and they were supported to have a healthy diet based on those needs.
People told us their health care needs were met and staff treated them with kindness, dignity and respect.
The service listened to what people said about the care they received and took active steps to encourage feedback from each person and their families.
Comments and complaints were welcomed by the service and people were encouraged to let the service know how they felt.
There was a positive and open culture at the service. The registered manager worked closely with the provider to ensure people received good care.
Systems of audits, surveys and reviews were used to good effect in monitoring performance and managing risks.