People who use the service told us that staff were kind and respected their privacy. Comments included, 'Its fine, I've got nothing to grumble about' and 'They always knock on your door'.We observed staff supporting people in a friendly and professional way and saw that people were being offered choice with regard to menus and activities.
People told us that staff listen to them and involve them in aspects of their care and the general activities in the home.
One person told us, 'They all seem to be out to help you'.
People gave us examples of how they are given choices about their care and what they like to do. They confirmed that the management and staff included them in some decisions about the running of the home. People told us that they had good contact with the local community.
Staff we interviewed were able to give us examples of how they maintain peoples' dignity, privacy, independence and how they offer choices to people on a daily basis.
We asked people who use the service what they thought about the care and treatment they received at the home.
They responded positively and comments included, 'I can honestly say I've no complaints about this home' and 'They do very well.'
People said they felt supported by the staff team and they were included in decisions about their care as far as possible.
One person commented, 'They have talked about my needs and my likes and dislikes'.
People told us they were satisfied with the activities available at the home and that they could go out if they wished to.
Comments included 'There are a lot of things you can do' and 'There are lots of activities in the lounge; I particularly enjoy the quiz and armchair aerobics'.
We saw activities taking place during our visit and the atmosphere was lively and inclusive.
People told us they were happy with the way the home organised outside health care visits such as doctors, chiropodists and district nurses. One person commented, 'They all come in regularly'.
Staff we spoke to confirmed that they asked people how they wanted to be supported at the home. Staff also demonstrated a good understanding of the care needs of people they supported.
People who use the service told us they felt safe at the home and that they would talk to the manager or staff if they were concerned about anything. One person commented, 'And I'd feel comfortable doing so'.
Staff we interviewed were aware of the different types of abuse that can happen to people in a care setting. Staff were also able to give us examples of signs they would look out for that may indicate a person may be being abused.
Staff told us that if they ever suspected abuse was taking place they would inform the manager immediately.
We asked people who use the service about how the home deals with their medication. One person commented, 'I take lots and the staff explain to me what it's for if I ask'.
We had a moderate concern about the management of medicines at the home and have issued a compliance action to ensure improvement in this outcome area.
People told us that they had confidence in the staff team and that staff responded to their needs appropriately. Comments included, 'They do very well', 'I think they do a very good job' and 'I've never had to wait for more than a few minutes'.
Some people felt that there could be more staff at the home and that they could spend more time with them. One person told us, 'When they have finished their duties they go to the staff room. I miss the conversation'. Another person told us, 'They have problems when people are on holiday or off sick, they are understaffed then as they have nothing to fall back on.'
We observed staff being appropriately supported by the management so that they could provide for the care needs of the people who use the service.
We found that some staff needed to undertake some essential training and have issued a compliance action in relation to this.
We asked people who use the service what they thought about the quality of care they receive at the home.
People were positive about this and told us they were asked for their view about the quality of service provision at meetings and in one to one sessions.
One person commented, 'They want to know if you're comfortable'.
People told us they felt the service listened to their views and opinions.
Although health and safety checks were being carried out intermittently, we have issued an improvement action that these systems are more regular and formalised so that the provider can regularly identify, assess and manage any potential risks to peoples' health, welfare and safety.