- Homecare service
Tapera Healthcare Ltd
Report from 2 August 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Person-centred Care
- Care provision, Integration and continuity
- Providing Information
- Listening to and involving people
- Equity in access
- Equity in experiences and outcomes
- Planning for the future
People's care plans were completed with them. The registered manager told us, "We do it together with people." Staff had access to training around communicating with people in a range of different ways. This included Makaton awareness training. Communication aids including signs and pictures, were available to support engagement with people who struggled to communicate verbally.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Person-centred Care
People received personalised care and support that was tailored to their individual needs. People knew the registered manager of the service and described her as "amazing". Family members confirmed the service responded quickly and effectively to short-notice requests for additional support. One person told us, "We highly recommend Tapera Healthcare."
The service valued peoples feedback as it assisted them to make adjustment to the care they provided which meant care was what the person needed and wanted. Time was taken to get to know the environment and to identify the equipment needed to deliver care safely. The registered manager told us, "We [write and review care plans] together with people."
Care provision, Integration and continuity
People and their families told us the service was safe and that staff provided care safely and in a caring manner. Staff were responsive to people's needs and communicated with them effectively.
Each person had their own care plan and risk assessments. The registered manager checked that the correct equipment was in place and that staff were in place to deliver care and support.
We did not receive any specific feedback from partners. We saw some examples where the provider had worked in partnership that ensured continuity of care and support.
People's care plans were detailed and provided information about key local partners including GPs, Dentists and Pharmacies. The provider’s electronic care planning system was used to support continuity with care records. The same staff supported the same people so there was consistency of care and staff gained an understanding of people’s care and support needs.
Providing Information
Staff were responsive to people's needs and communicated with them effectively. People knew the registered manager of the service and described her as "amazing". Family members confirmed the service responded quickly and effectively to short-notice requests for additional support. One person told us, "We highly recommend Tapera Healthcare."
Staff accessed training and support about how to communicate with people in a range of different ways including Makaton and picture cards.
Written information was available in line with the accessible information standard. The provider was able to produce documents in different formats where there was a need, for example, to explain care contracts and charges.
Listening to and involving people
People told us that they had good relationships with staff and felt they were listened to. Staff were responsive to people's needs and communicated with them effectively. People knew the registered manager of the service and described her as "amazing". Family members confirmed the service responded quickly and effectively to short-notice requests for additional support. One person told us, "We highly recommend Tapera Healthcare."
The registered manager confirmed that people and families were involved in conversations about care plans and care reviews. One person said, "We carry out reviews with people."
The provider had a complaints policy and procedure in place and were aware of how to effectively handle complaints should they arise. The registered manager used spot checks and would regularly speak to people that use the service to get feedback about the quality of the care provided.
Equity in access
People received personalised care and support that was tailored to their individual needs. Staff were responsive to people's needs and communicated with them effectively. People knew the registered manager of the service and described her as "amazing". Family members confirmed the service responded quickly and effectively to short-notice requests for additional support. One person told us, "We highly recommend Tapera Healthcare."
The provider supported people from different cultural and backgrounds and did not discriminate against them. The registered manager told us how they tailored their care to meet people’s specific needs. For example, people were supported to access community day service activities.
We did not receive any specific feedback from partners. We saw some positive examples where the provider had worked in partnership with health providers in the local community
The provider had policies in place which gave staff information about their rights to reasonable adjustments in line with the Equality Act. The provider was aware of how discrimination would impact on a person.
Equity in experiences and outcomes
People received personalised care and support that was tailored to their individual needs. People and their families told us the service was safe and that staff provided care safely and in a caring manner. Family members confirmed the service responded quickly and effectively to short-notice requests for additional support. One person told us, "We highly recommend Tapera Healthcare."
Staff had received training in equality and diversity. The registered manager had good knowledge and understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion.
People's care plans were personalised and care was delivered in line with how people said they wanted it delivered. Processes were in place to gain people’s views and experiences. The provider was committed to supporting people’s individual activity and promoting people’s level of well-being.
Planning for the future
Staff were responsive to people's needs and communicated with them effectively. Family members confirmed the service responded quickly and effectively to short-notice requests for additional support. One person told us, "We highly recommend Tapera Healthcare."
People were supported appropriately and engaged in conversations about their care and support to ensure their care was delivered in line with their wishes and needs.
People's care plans contained information about how they were supported to make informed choices about their care in the event of an emergency. This was recorded in their personalised care plans.