We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at Martello Health Centre on 16 May 2017. The overall rating for the practice was good. The full comprehensive report on the May 2017 inspection can be found by selecting the ‘all reports’ link for Martello Health Centre on our website at www.cqc.org.uk.
A desk-based review was carried out on 5 January 2018 to confirm that the practice had carried out their plan to make improvements to the areas we identified in our previous inspection on 16 May 2017. However, we found patient satisfaction scores from the national GP patient survey still remained low in some areas and the practice needed to improve patient access to services. Consequently, the practice conducted their own patient survey in January and February 2018.
A further desk based review was carried out on 23 February 2018. This report covers our findings in relation to those improvements made since our last inspection.
Overall the practice remains rated as good.
Our findings were:
- The practice conducted a patient survey in January and February 2018. It found not all the findings of the July 2017 national GP patient survey were representative of their patients’ experience. The practice found in four of the six areas where they were previously identified to be below the local and national averages, they were now comparable or above.
- The practice accepted improvements were still required to improve telephone access and the patient experience when making an appointment and were working with their patient participation group to address these areas.
At this inspection we found that the practice provided responsive services for their patients. However, the practice should continue to make improvements by developing and implementing plans to improve patient satisfaction scores with services provided.
Professor Steve Field (CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP)
Chief Inspector of General Practice