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  • Care home

Ivybank House Care Home

Overall: Not rated read more about inspection ratings

Ivy Bank Park, Bath, BA2 5NF (01625) 417800

Provided and run by:
Ivybank Care Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service

Not rated

Updated 19 July 2024

Date of assessment 20 August to 21 October 2024. This assessment was carried out in response to information of concern about the service. Overall, we looked at 6 quality statements in the safe, responsive and well led domains. We found people were being supported by other services and professionals. Staff were able to tell us how to keep people safe from harm and abuse and had received training relevant to their roles. Staff understood their roles and responsibilities. They were aware of how to record information and to keep people’s data safe. There were regular quality reviews and audits being completed by the provider, with subsequent action plans in place. The service was going through a period of change and we saw an improvement in the governance oversight from the new provider. However, staff told us they were busy which meant they did not always have regular breaks and people’s needs were not always being met. We observed staff were task-based, but the provider told us they were working on how staff were being deployed in the service to meet people’s needs more effectively. The provider had recently moved to an electronic care planning system and was aware of ongoing work needed to ensure care plans and risk assessments reflected people’s needs accurately and managed people’s risks. The provider had an action plan in place and had brought in extra resources to support the service.

People's experience of the service

Updated 19 July 2024

People told us they felt safe and had access to the equipment they needed to stay safe. There were positive comments about the staff which included “friendly, loyal and wonderful.” People and relatives provided mixed feedback about their involvement in care planning and risk assessing. Some told us they had been involved, others had not. People told us they could vary their timetable and get up and go to bed when they wanted. Relatives praised the activities in the home, particularly the trips out in the minibus. However, most people and their relatives told us they felt there were not always enough staff available and this impacted on call bells not being answered promptly and people’s needs not being met in a timely way. They also told us they felt staff were busy and did not always have time to spend with people. People commented about new or agency staff not knowing their needs as well as long-standing staff.