6 January 2017
During a routine inspection
Ladysmith Care Home is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to provide accommodation for up to ninety people who require nursing or personal care. The service can provide support to people who are living with dementia, older people and younger adults. There are four separate units, two units on the ground and two on the first floor. The units on the ground floor, (Heather and Lavender) provide residential and dementia care. Those on the first floor (Iris and Orchid) provide care to people living with dementia. There is a car park for visitors to use. Staff are available 24 hours a day to support people.
This service had a registered manager in place. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have the legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
We found there were shortfalls, mainly on the first floor. We found issues with recording of topical creams and one person’s eye drops were in use after they should have been discarded. Care plans needed to have clearer information for staff about the care to be given in people’s best interests. One person’s care records needed reviewing regarding their pressure area care and a care plan was required for a condition they were receiving treatment for. Supplementary charts about people’s food and fluid intake needed to be filled in when food and drink was offered to people. One person’s slippers were ill fitting and may have posed a trip hazard. All these issues were discussed with the registered manager who addressed them during our inspection. Auditing in these areas needed to be improved and this was implemented following our inspection.
We have made a recommendation about a shortfall that we found regarding medicines.
Staff received training about protecting people from harm and abuse. Safeguarding issues were reported to the local authority and CQC.
We observed the staffing levels provided on the day of our inspection were adequate to meet people’s needs. Staff received training, supervision and appraisals which helped to support them and develop their skills.
Visiting health care professionals told us staff contacted them to discuss any changes in people’s conditions or concerns they may have and that staff followed their guidance, which helped to maintain people’s wellbeing.
People’s nutritional needs were assessed and monitored and their preferences and special dietary needs were catered for. Staff encouraged and assisted people to eat and drink, where necessary. Advice was gained from health care professionals to ensure people’s nutritional needs were met.
Staff supported people to make decisions for themselves. People chose how and where to spend their time. Staff reworded questions to help people living with dementia understand what was being said.
Activities were provided and visiting was encouraged at any time. People visiting the service were made welcome.
A programme of redecoration and refurbishment was in progress and the gardens had been improved. This enhanced the facilities that were provided for people. Pictorial signage was in place to help people living with dementia find bathrooms, toilets and their own room. General maintenance occurred and service contracts were in place to maintain the environment and equipment in use.
A complaints procedure was in place. This was explained to people living with dementia or to their relatives so that they were informed. People living at the service, their relatives and staff were asked for their views. Feedback received was acted upon. This helped the management team to maintain or improve the service provided.
The registered manager undertook a variety of audits to help them monitor the quality of the service. However, the issues we found regarding people’s care records, prescribed topical creams and eye drops and best interest information at the time of our inspection had not been identified by the auditing process in place. The registered manager took action to address the shortfalls we found during our inspection. They supplied us with an action plan which they put in place to make sure the issues we found would not occur again.