11 January 2018
During a routine inspection
The care service has been developed and designed in line with the values that underpin the Registering the Right Support and other best practice guidance. These values include choice, promotion of independence and inclusion. People with learning disabilities and autism using the service can live as ordinary a life as any citizen. However, the right support and best practice was not always promoted.
Baldock Services provides a service for up to 20 people who have a learning disability and or physical disability and associated mental health needs. People lived in four separate houses in Baldock. Each person had their own personalised bedroom with shared bathrooms/shower facilities, lounge, dining area and kitchen. There were 18 people using the service at the time of this inspection. . The registered manager’s office was located in a separate building located in Baldock.
There was a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
Identified and potential risks to people’s health and well-being were reviewed but not always managed effectively and goals set did not always have a support plan in place.
People felt safe, happy and looked after at the homes. Staff received training in how to safeguard people from abuse and knew how to report concerns, both internally and externally.
The provider had safe and effective recruitment practices to help ensure that all staff were suitably qualified and experienced. Arrangements were in place to ensure there were sufficient numbers of suitable staff available at all times to meet people’s individual needs.
The provider had plans and guidance to help staff deal with unforeseen events and emergencies. Staff checked the environment and equipment to help ensure they were maintained and safe to use.
Trained staff helped people to take their medicines safely and at the right time.
People were positive about the skills, experience and abilities of staff who worked at the home. They received training and refresher updates relevant to their roles and had regular supervision meetings to discuss and review their development and performance.
People had access to health and social care professionals when necessary. Staff obtained people’s consent before providing personal care and support, which they did in a kind and compassionate way.
Staff had developed positive and caring relationships with the people they cared for and knew them well.
People were involved in the planning, delivery and reviews of the care and support provided. Confidentiality was promoted. Information about people’s medical and personal histories was kept secure around the home.
Care was provided in a way that promoted people’s dignity and respected their privacy. People received personalised care and support that met their needs and took account of their preferences.
People were supported to pursue social interests and take part in meaningful activities relevant to their needs, both at the home and in the wider community.
The provider had systems in place to recorded and responded to any concerns or complaints in line with the service policy.
People and staff were complimentary about the registered manager and how the home was run.