18 July 2013
During a routine inspection
We spoke with several people who used this practice. They were all pleased with the service and provided many examples of good practice. One person said, 'They help me to relax'. Another person told us, 'I am not worried when I go there.' People confirmed that the dentists always explained their options and they were involved in making decisions about their treatment.
We found there were good arrangements for infection control at the practice. These included the use of protective equipment and procedures for keeping the premises and the instruments clean. There was a room dedicated to the decontamination of equipment. A nurse showed us how she rinsed and processed equipment before bagging and dating it to make sure that it was safe for use.
We found that there were good arrangements for making sure that people using the service were kept safe. These included staff training in adult and child protection and relevant contact numbers for staff to report concerns. All staff had been checked by the relevant authorities to make sure that they had not been convicted of offences which may have meant that they posed a risk to people.
There were good arrangements for making sure that standards were monitored and improved, where necessary. These included surveys of people who used the service. We saw evidence of regular checks on equipment and the premises. There were policies and procedures which were reviewed regularly