2 October 2017
During a routine inspection
There was a registered manager at the service. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated regulations about how the service is run.
We inspected The Crescent on 2 October 2017. The inspection was unannounced. The service was last inspected in July 2015 when it was found to be meeting the requirements of the regulations.
People told us they felt safe at the service and with the staff who supported them. A relative said “(My relative) is safe and content, he has good support for his needs.”
People told us they received their medicines on time. Medicines administration records were kept appropriately and medicines were stored and managed to a good standard. People had the opportunity to look after their own medicines, if this was appropriate for them to do so.
Staff had been suitably trained to recognise potential signs of abuse. Staff told us they would be confident to report concerns to management, and thought management would deal with any issues appropriately.
Staff training was delivered to a good standard, and staff received updates about important skills such as fire safety, infection control, first aid, and working with people with mental health needs.
Recruitment processes were satisfactory as pre-employment checks had been completed to help ensure people’s safety. This included written references and an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check, which helped find out if a person was suitable to work with vulnerable adults.
People had access to medical professionals such as a general practitioner, dentist, chiropodist and an optician. People said they received enough support from these professionals. There were also good links with the local mental health team which enabled people to receive suitable support of their mental health was deteriorating.
There were enough staff on duty and people said they received timely support from staff when it was needed. People said staff responded promptly and we observed staff being attentive to people’s needs.
Care was provided appropriately and staff were viewed as caring. Relatives told us, “The service is excellent, the staff are professional whilst also being caring, friendly and helpful,” and “Excellent, care is of a very high standard.”
The service had some activities organised. These activities included swimming, trips to the pub, arts and crafts, and meals out. One person told us, "I enjoy going out to a local meeting club,” and a relative told us, "I think it's wonderful they take him swimming, he loves it."
Care files contained information such as a care plan and these were regularly reviewed. The service had appropriate systems in place to assess people’s capacity in line with legislation and guidance, for example using the Mental Capacity Act (2005).
People were happy with their meals. “It is wholesome and of sufficient quantity.” Everyone said they always had enough to eat and drink. People said they were involved in the planning of the menu, and an alternative was always provided if they did not like what was on the menu.
People we spoke with said if they had any concerns or complaints they would feel confident discussing these with staff members or management, or they would ask their relative to resolve the problem. They were sure the correct action would be taken if they made a complaint. One person told us, "Any problems and they are soon sorted out."
People felt the service was well managed. The service had a positive culture focussed on the individuals who lived at the home, providing people with choices, and an environment which was easy going and not regimented. Suitable quality assurance systems were in place. There was good communication between staff, relatives and community professionals.